Monday, June 18, 2018

Blogging Break

When your laptop is taking three times as long as usual . . . 

and when you can't visit many of your blog friends because their sites won't load . . . 

or they do load, but you only see half of their pictures . . . 

and your comments go into bloggy space . . . 

it might be time to do this: 

Yes, I am going to take a little blogging break (and save myself a whole lot of frustration) until I get it all sorted out! 

In the meantime,

Happy summer!


  1. Hope all will get sorted out soon. Happy summer to you!

  2. Well, I lost one comment, so I'll try again. Hope things get sorted soon, and in the meantime, enjoy your break. Summer is a good time to step back from the computer.

  3. Sounds like my computer. I have to take it to the Geek Squad SOON. Hope your problems get sorted out and in the meantime enjoy your Summer.

  4. OK. Have fun!

    (But I don’t have to like it. 😉)

  5. bloggy issues .. blech.
    i miss you already. ♥

  6. Enjoy a well deserved break. Soak up the joy of summer.

  7. I've had a few blogger issues but not as many as some. Sure don't blame you for your break but we will miss you. I hope you have a wonderful, relaxing summer. I remember especially enjoying the change of routine in summer when I was homeschooling. Of course, now you are looking forward to your final year with some mixed emotions I'd think! Blessings!

  8. Have a great summer but I will miss you. Hope you will have lots to report when you return. Sharon D.

  9. Hope you resolve your computer issues without too much trouble. Looking forward to your return :)

  10. Computer issues can be so frustrating. I will miss your sweet posts. Enjoy your summer and hopefully you will be returning soon. That sounds selfish. Take your time, my friend. ♥

  11. I HATE computer issues! Hope you get yours solved soon. We'll all miss you, Cheryl, but hope you enjoy your break.

  12. You are missed Cheryl!! Hope you all are well!! I ain't a computer person AT. ALL. . So i totes get needin a break!!! Lord Bless You ~tammy
