Monday, October 5, 2009

Gotta love...

Yes, you gotta love... who do windows

...cracking pecans on a crisp autumn afternoon

...and girls who make cashew chicken for dinner.


  1. ...and you've got to love fall foods!

    Looking forward to cider beef stew and pumpkin rolls for dinner tomorrow night! Hoping Little Boy will be well enough to be put down long enough to make was another clingy day, but he is on the mend, I think.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Agreed! And dinner sounds *wonderful*! If we didn't already have dinner plans for tomorrow evening, you might have to worry about drop-in guests. ;-)

    Oh, I *do* hope Little Boy is better tomorrow!

    (Previous comment deleted by author because author typed too fast and omitted several words.)

  4. yummy!says terri lokey--who can't figure how to post a comment because i'm not sure about URLs--so i post as anonymous
