Monday, March 8, 2010

The Beauty of Hymns

I can never get enough of the beauty of hymns. After the Word of God, hymns feed my soul like nothing else.

I recently read a comment by a woman who grew up in church, but had never heard the old hymn "Fairest Lord Jesus" until she was an adult, so I feel richly blessed that we sing hymns every week in our home fellowship. I also make it a point to sing and memorize hymns in our homeschool, and to play beautiful renditions of hymns in the house and in the car. (My sixteen-year-old daughter Kati also loves hymns and posts the words to a chosen hymn weekly on her blog.)

This lovely post that I came upon in Blogland puts into words some of my own thoughts about hymns and why I love them.

What are your favorite hymns?


  1. Cheryl, I'd say that there are so many. "How Can it Be" is one, and "Abide In Me" is another, but they are just the beginning. Hymns are such a blessing!

  2. Ah yes, both are favorites of mine too! As well as "Great is Thy Faithfulness" and "Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart" and "Breathe on Me, Breath of God" and ...

  3. Cheryl, I've really come to love "Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart" ... partially through your requesting of it in fellowship. I had never sung it a lot before you began requesting it, and now I consider it one of the richest prayers. I'm also very moved by the words to "Rock of Ages" and "Nearer My God To Thee."

  4. Oh, I love all of these... I'm the "anonymous" above who keeps forgetting to sign my name. Cheryl, your list and Frances' are all hymns I love. And thanks for the link to "This lovely post", which was so interesting!

  5. Cheryl,
    It was so thoughtful of you to stop by and to leave a comment on my blog, and a link to the hymn article. I just love the way the Lord often puts a hymn on my heart when I wake up in the a.m. Often, it is one that I haven't heard for a long while but one that will be strength for the day. You have a lovely blog and I'm glad we "met"!
