Monday, March 22, 2010

Morning Time: Spring Term

Morning Time currently looks something like this...

BIBLE READINGWe are still reading through the Gospels, now in Matthew. (We're not reading that slowly; we didn’t do them in order. :-)

We are learning Psalm 90.
Bekah, having memorized the books of the New Testament, is now learning the books of the Old Testament. (After hearing about this learning glitch, my sweet daughter-in-law mailed us a CD with a song for the OT books, which should be a big help!)

We are singing “This Is My Father’s World” with Bekah accompanying us on the piano. This is a first as we usually sing a capella, but she wanted to play for us and it is good practice to learn to play while people are singing.

Kati: “The Pasture” by Robert Frost
Bekah: “Eletelephony” by Laura E. Richards
Mom: “Depth of Mercy” by Charles Wesley

We're enjoying selected poems by Robert Frost and reading Robert Frost: America’s Poet by Doris Faber.

LISTEN TO A PIECE OF CLASSICAL MUSICThis term we are listening to the music of “The Waltz King,” Johann Strauss II.

We are looking at the works of 15th century Flemish painter Jan Van Eyck.
~ ~ ~
For further reading about Morning Times, visit:


  1. oh you are a dear soul.
    your comment brought tears to my eyes. thank you so much.
    yes, i do love to create, live for the children, try to make a happy home, but i also love encouragement. and that is exactly what you gave me today.
    i hardly have any friends that live in the same city as we do. all have moved away. my parents are 4 hours away, so this blogging thing brings a variety, outlet, & friendship to me throughout the day or week.
    so thank you from the bottom of my heart. you brought a smile to my face.

    have a beautiful day!

  2. Cheryl, I love hearing about your Morning Time. Your days are so much different than mine, and I enjoy having glimpses into the doors and windows of your home and your heart. I love it that Bekah wanted to accompany your song time on the piano. Yes, it is very good practice. It is indeed different to play while others are singing along with you. I love your list of things you are reading and memorizing. I think YOU are a student, too. But aren't we all? Hope the rest of your week is beautiful.

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