Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Thought for Today

Matthew Henry, renowned Bible scholar of the 17th century, was once robbed of his wallet. But instead of bemoaning the fact as most of us would (at least I fear that I would), he found reasons to be thankful. Here is what he wrote in his diary:
Let me be thankful, first, because he never robbed me before; second, because although he took my purse, he did not take my life; third, because although he took all I possessed, it was not much; and fourth, because it was I who was robbed, not I who robbed.
This story humbles me. And challenges me.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

In every thing give thanks:
for this is the will of God
in Christ Jesus concerning you.
(I Thessalonians 5:18)


  1. What a great example of a true Christian, I have The Matthew Henry Commentator, and throughly enjoy it. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Cheryl, I remember reading this quote a few years ago ... and it still moves me. It shows such a humility of spirit and such an attitude of thankfulness. And such a sense of abiding in Christ. It indeed challenges me, too. I love the quotes you are sharing. So much can be conveyed in so few words.
