Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I'm Game

It was a game-ish sort of weekend!

On Friday night, a sweet friend hosted a delightful game party...lots of yummies, new friends and old, and laughing until our faces hurt.

Sunday afternoons always find us playing a game or two (or three). This Sunday, we played Dutch Blitz...to brush up on our blitzing skills while Kati is away. Kati, who is normally so reserved and quiet and sweet, becomes an elbow-poking, scratching, blitz-or-die bundle of competitiveness when playing this game!

But sandwiched in between these two days was Owen's Special Day.

When Gavin and Maddie have their special days, there is a variety of activities. Sometimes it's eating corn-on-the-cob; sometimes it's going birding; sometimes it's visiting the zoo.

But our little Owen takes comfort in sameness. He likes his routine. He likes predictability. So when it's time for Owen's Special Day, we know what we're going to do. We will play games, we will eat at the "Deery Queen", and we will rejoin his Mama and Daddy at Barnes and Noble. (That last part happened by accident. On one of his Special Days, we needed to pick up something at Barnes and Noble, so Owen's family met us there to retrieve him...so now Mr. Sameness thinks that that is also part of Special Day activities. Which is fine with us, but just too funny!)

On Saturday afternoon, Owen arrived at Papa and Gran's house oh-so-ready to play games. Check out his bag! It is bulging with games he has brought to play!

We played:
  • Guess Who
  • Hungry Hungry Hippos
  • Cars Memory
  • A Pooh matching game
  • Five Little Monkeys
  • I Spy card game
  • Maisy Game
  • Berenstain Bears card game
  • Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich Game
  • Old Maid

Yes. And some of them twice. Or three times.

And a good time was had by all.


  1. looks like a wonderful time to me!

  2. So cute! He looks so happy even if he didn't express that with actual words. :-)
