Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Simple Farmhouse Christmas

Welcome to The Farmhouse at Thinking About Home! Come on in and have a look around...

We're keeping it simple at The Farmhouse this year...lots of greenery and berries and fruit.

Here in the living room...

our family tree, decorated with ornaments we've collected over the past thirty-some years!

"Baaaaa-b" (get it?) hanging out with a crock of spruce

"Joy" in the window

Bekah's beloved "Eli" perched atop her piano

Now let's step into the dining room...

The sideboard is dressed for Christmas great-grandmother's tea set is "spruced" up too

...sprigs of berries are tucked in with heirloom spoons

...and nature's bounty abounds.

The kitchen is full of ...


...and spice

...and everything nice.

Thank you for visiting The Farmhouse at Christmas time...I hope you will come again!

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Many thanks to The Nester for hosting the Christmas Tour of Homes!
(Click here to visit LOTS more homes decked out in their Christmas best.)


  1. Warm and cozy, Cheryl! Your home is b-e-a-uuuutiful!

  2. I'm not sure why my comment didn't show up earlier. Anyway, I said...

    Can't wait to see it all tomorrow "for real." I guess it a layer of flour dust will add to the decor. I love Bekah's piano friend and Maddie loves the cloved oranges.

  3. Wow, your farmhouse is so lovely. I feel like I stepped back in time! I noticed in your "about" section on the side that you are a homeschooler- I was homeschooled all through high school and loved it! I'm hoping to homeschool my children someday too. Keep up the great work! Merry Christmas

  4. you have a lovely farmhouse. Love all your touches of Christmas you have sprinkled thorughout.

  5. Cheryl, your home and your decorations are beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Beautiful. I love all the natural touches for Christmas. Love the wreath on your door! And the popcorn on the tree is so pretty! Thank you for the wonderful tour.

  7. Cheryl, could a home get any more beautiful than yours? I think not. And it's especially beautiful at Christmastime. I'm so happy to see your photos. Each one is special. Thank you so much for the tour. Now I must tell myself not to be jealous. Merry Christmas to your dear, dear family.

  8. Everything looks beautiful! I love how you have collected ornaments over the years! My mother gave me most of her ornaments years ago when my husband and I had our first tree and I love all of them mostly because they are the ones that I grew up with and now our children can enjoy them too! I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!!!!

  9. How very cozy and sweet! It's the beauty of your home and closeness of all your favorite things,(family included) that makes "staying in" a joy, not a drudgery!
    Thank you for your sweet words on my blog. It's very nice to "meet" you! :)

  10. I love the simplicity of your home. I am experimenting with my taste lately. I still like the colonial, New England look. My dining room reflects this look. I have gone a little more farmhouse in my home. I will always like old things though. Come visit me sometime!
