Thursday, February 10, 2011


As the weather began to cool just a bit and the leaves were tinged with color, we learned of their plans for a visit, and not a day passed that the thought did not come to the surface at least a time or two. Our hearts stirred as we imagined sipping coffee and chatting, breaking bread and learning more details of their lives, looking into the faces of those precious little girls whom we love from a distance, hearing their voiceds, hugging and kissing, and meeting the one who was not yet born but had already won our hearts.

And the busy days passed and the weather was cooler and the leaves blazed and we lived and ate and learned and sang and celebrated, all the while anticipating the promised visit.

Although, again, we celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas without them, we were comforted by knowing that soon, very soon, we would all be together for a time. 

As the time drew nearer, we prepared our home.  (Our hearts were already prepared.)  We planned for vacation time from work.  We cleared the calendar.  We cleaned.  We thought out sleeping arrangements and menus and extended family get-togethers.  We shopped for favorite foods and extra bedding and squirreled away some little surprises for the tiny girls.  

The months became weeks, the weeks became days, and then the day came.  The day that we had anticipated, longed for, prepared for. 

There is another day of promise. 

I am not sure of the exact day.  There was no phone call on an autumn evening to let me know the date, but His Word has told me that it will be

And so, as I prepared for the visit of my beloved family, I prepare for His coming. 

As the thoughts of their coming pervaded my daily consciousness, may my thoughts of His coming be never far away.

As I yearned to be with them, may I long to see His face more

As I prepared my home to receive them, may I purify my heart to welcome Him.

As I spent my resources in labors of love, may I give all to the One who has spent Himself for me

Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.  And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.  (I John 3:2, 3)


  1. Dear Cheryl, I read your blog occasionally(I think you linked me to it back a year or so ago)and I think it is "homely" in the very loveliest sense of the word!I was particularly blessed by your perspctive on the coming of our Lord -in these days of turmoil(in the world) it brings great peace and a looking forward to being together with HIM!
    God Bless you,
    Jan Welch (Down on the ESVA)

  2. Thanks for visiting, Jan, and for your kind words of encouragement.
    Looking forward to that Day...

  3. "May I long to see His face more" .... what wondrous words those are, Cheryl. Truly, we cannot imagine. But such convicting words, too. It seems so much easier to long for and love the ones on earth who are so dear to us, whose faces we can NOW see .... more than the face of the One Who Is Our All. It's such a humbling thing to know how patiently He bears with us in our frailities. Thank you for sharing these precious words.
