Thursday, March 24, 2011

April Showers

If you have new boots that were 75% off at Target,
and you got an umbrella in your First-Day-of-Spring Basket...

...then you can get pretty excited about
April Showers !

* * * * *

Linking up again
with Kellie's Spring Fling party over at The Blessed Nest...
celebrating all things spring!

this blessed nest


  1. So adorable Cheryl, I think I would want it to rain too. I love to walk in the rain. I have been wanting to get me some rubber boots, I just might have to see if Target has some in my size. I have been needing some to wear when I garden.

    Thank you for your well wishes for Will, and for your prayers!

  2. this is such a fun post!

    i have target rainboots! ;)

    hope all is well. HAPPY SPRING!

    thanks for linking up to the SPRING FLING!

