Friday, April 15, 2011

Morning Time: Spring Edition

Planning for Kati's last term of Morning Time before she graduates from homeschool was hard.  What one more poet do you choose out of the myriads who have written beautiful poems?  What one more composer is the one whose music we can't miss?  What Bible verses should we commit to memory...out of all of the Living Word of God?  What hymn do we end with?  Sigh...

There is no other way but to just go on, collecting those little grains of sand, and knowing that Kati will continue to collect them on her own.  I know that she will, because she has partaken of the feast of living ideas and beauty...and who cannot satisfy an appetite that has been whet for a feast?

So this last Morning Time, the one shared by the three of us, looks something like this...

We continue our journey through the Epistles, which has taken us to II Timothy. 

We are memorizing Romans 8: 35-39.  (Oh, what powerful verses!)


We are singing “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling," and I am reminded of how much I love the lyrics of Charles Wesley.  Every word of every hymn that he wrote is full of meaning. 

Kati: “If” by Rudyard Kipling
I have an observation and a question to consider.  We read “If” several times when we were reading Kipling.  Since then, Kati and I have both come across this poem in our own reading.  I noticed it as I was reading The Charlotte Mason Companion (it is not the first time I've read the book), and Kati recognized a portion of it in Shadow of the Almighty.  Two very different books...same poem...and one that we so recently learned.  So the question is this: Why are we suddenly surrounded by this poem?  Is it because now that we have read it, we notice it, where before we would have passed it by?  I cannot help but wonder. 

Bekah: “Teddy Bears' Picnic” by Jimmy Kennedy
This fun little poem is actually a song, and I had a 45 rpm record of this song, sung by Bing Crosby, when I was a little girl.  (I know I'm dating myself, but you knew I was not a spring chicken anyway.)

Mom: “Crossing the Bar” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson  


We have been reading the works of Rudyard Kipling, and now we are reading the poetry of William Wordsworth. 


This term we are listening to the music of Richard Wagner, even as we have learned some disturbing facts of his ideology in our study of World War II.

We are enjoying the landscape paintings of JMW Turner.  Turner was a turn of the 19th century British artist who, instead of painting portraits or historical paintings as those before him had done,  was innovative and painted the out-of-doors.  You can see his influence in the Impressionist movement only a short time later. 

Turner's The Fighting Temeraire1839
 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

For more reading about "Morning Time":

An introduction to our own "Morning Time"
What Is Morning Time? by Cindy Rollins
Cindy's Inspiration for Morning Time
Kathy's "Morning Stack"

1 comment:

  1. Cheryl, I think having this "Morning Time", is truly AWESOME! I can imagine the bond that is growing between you and them, and one that will last a lifetime, not to mention growth, both spiritual and emotional. how refreshing to find ladies here in bogland that are so dedicated, may you continually be blessed. Great and inspiring post.
