Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday Snapshot

Only one Sunday Snapshot this week.  I didn't even have to make a decision, because I forgot to get my camera out until the dear family was getting ready to leave.  (Edit:  Why, oh why, did I not take any pics of the kids playing in the toilet box?  Grandmothers love that sort of thing, you know.)  Bummer.

I'm not sure how it started, but the new routine is for each grandchild to ride piggyback out to their van for the trip home.  Shortly before departure time, the children claim their "ride" for the evening. 

Tonight's teams :-)

After all are buckled into their seats, the children begin the countdown until the next time we'll see one another.  (Three days?  Five days?  Please don't say next Sunday!  That's soooooooooooooo long!)


  1. That is so sweet! I love traditions... even if they are painful!

    Blessings, Debbie

  2. That is cute! My grandkids live five miles from me and their daddy farms with us so we are blessed to see them often. Saturday my husband watched both of the grandkids while my daughter and I had a day out. He delivered seed, picked up a truck load of mulch, shopped at a greenhouse and took them to McDonalds. They had a wonderful time. We are so blessed!
