Monday, June 27, 2011

Sunday Snapshots: An Ice Cream Sunday

When I began sharing "Sunday Snapshot" posts, the idea was to select one picture that would encapsulate our Sunday...sort of a representative of our together time each week.  But do you know how difficult it is to choose just ONE?  Ack! 

I think I'll just rename this feature "Sunday SnapshotS" and thereby end the quandary of either narrowing down my plethora of photos to a measly one or renaming my post every single week.  There. 

Caveat:  Now that I've removed my self-imposed restrictions, I may overload my readers with sweet grandchildren pictures.  Don't say you weren't warned.


the first of the summer...

Maddie takes a turn at cranking

The Reveal
(Check out Maddie's expression.)
The traditional ice cream eating spot
The adults will eat anywhere.

 Alaine decided that she really likes homemade ice cream.

...sharing with her mama

...sharing with Papa

...sharing with Aunt Kati

...and sharing with Papa again as he has seconds!


  1. I am personally of the opinion that there is no such thing as too many grandchild photos!! So have fun. I for one continue to live vicariously through your beautiful grandma experiences until the Lord decides to bless me with my own... :)

    Hugs, Debbie

  2. also noting the using up of the graduation napkins! Looks like fun all round!--Joanie

  3. Hi Cheryl, These photos bring back such wonderful memories for me, we have not made homemade ice cream in ages. I especially enjoyed the photo of the children sitting around eating ice cream together. and of the tire swing, I want one of those.~smile~
    It is so nice to visit and catch up, I have been off line for about two weeks, and enjoyed reading some of your other posts as well.
    Enjoy the summer time with your family.
