Friday, July 22, 2011

Meeting God In the Moment

Still trying to keep up with the craziness, the ups and downs, the "to do" lists, the fit-it-all-in-ness...which is not how I like to live.  I crave normalcy, quiet, slowness, calm. 

But instead of letting it all get to me, I am choosing to (as Elisabeth Elliot so often reminded us to do in her radio messages) just "do the next thing," knowing that He is directing my steps, knowing that His path does not always lead through my comfort zone, knowing that where He leads it is good. 

I am choosing to meet God in the moment.  One moment at a time. 

Lord, I need you now, in this moment. 

Help me to please you, here in this moment. 

Help me to be a blessing, here in this moment. 

Teach me what I need to learn, here in this moment.

Quiet my heart, here in this moment. 

Speak to my heart, here in this moment.

Cause my ears to hear Your voice, here in this moment. 

Enable me to see You, here in this moment. 


  1. Hi Cheryl,
    This is Christy from FAMILIES. :) Following you on Google. I have my own blog at if you want to follow me back. :)

  2. Cheryl--this is what I am after!

  3. Hi Cheryl,Awesome post!
    This is food for my soul today, thank you for sharing. I too am choosing to meet God in the moment, as life sometimes can get so busy.
    I have been thinking of you lately for your family's loss, and for the sweet words of encouragement you gave me in your comment on my last post. Friends, always pick up where they left off at last meeting.
    Thank you for your friendship, may we both continue to find Him in the moment.
    So enjoyed your Respite post!
