Friday, September 16, 2011

Fall Lures Me Out of Doors

It is no secret that I don't like summer's heat.  As a bear hibernates in the winter, I hibernate in the summertime, escaping the blazing temps in my cave in my air conditioned home.   (I know.  It's pathetic.)

But when autumn comes, I am ready to leave the cave and enjoy the autumn splendor out of doors, and I enjoy decorating outside the farmhouse almost as much as I enjoy decorating inside! 

Then in our autumn setting, we can enjoy a cup of hot tea on the back porch...

or a Sunday afternoon parade...

 or a birthday picnic...

or a hot dog roasted over the fire pit. 

Does fall call you outside too? 

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

I am linking up with The Fall Nesting Party over at The Inspired Room
You'll find LOTS of fall inspiration over there today! 


  1. I love being outdoors in the fall! Cool evening walks,the smell of the leaves. There just seems to be a certain "calmness" in the air :)Have a great weekend!

  2. I love your photos, Cheryl. You decorate your home and your yard so beautifully. I think of you when Autumn air arrives, knowing how it settles right down into your soul. And indeed ... the colors and the coolness lure me, even me, outside.

    P.S. I always get a kick out of your scratched-out words.

  3. Hi Cheryl ~ Great photos and fall decorations. They really made me feel like picking apples and having a bonfire on a crisp autumn evening! Looks wonderful!!

  4. Absolutely! How else could I smell the change of the seasons? Or hear the crunch of the leaves underfoot? How would I feel the chill in the air?... Yes, I love being outside in fall.

    Your decorations look marvelous by the way. I really need to get busy. You know, I asked you what we were doing the other day and you didn't bother to tell me we were decorating! Now I'm behind. Thanks a lot Cheryl. ;)

    Blessings, Debbie

  5. Hi Cheryl, thanks for stopping by and visiting me. I love meeting new people on here. I love your fall pictures. Sadly, it's almost too cool here this weekend to eat outdoors or enjoy a campfire. I hope you can have a few more days like in your pictures. Blessings, Pamela

  6. Cheryl,

    I think we just might be birds of a feather...

    Thank you for your sweet visit to my blog....nice to meet you too!


    ps - I am going to add you to my sidebar so I can remember to read your blog regularly!

  7. Beautiful pictures! I love being outdoors in the Summer warmth, but Fall has always been my favorite season by far. It just makes me excited to be alive! Also, you just can't beat apple cider and trips to the orchard. =)

  8. I love to be outside when fall arrives to Cheryl. I just love your ,fall decorations, your family photos, and your thoughts.Enjoying a cup of tea with someone special is my favorite fall activity. You have such a beautiful and loving family and it shows in all of the photos.
