Thursday, September 8, 2011

Morning Time: Autumn 2011

This year, we have a fresh new start with our Morning Time.  Since Kati graduated in June, and Bekah is my only student, I can tailor-make our course of study with Bekah in mind!  We are going to have a grand time together! 

(If you're not sure what I mean by "Morning Time," scroll down to the bottom of this post and follow some of the links.)

Our fresh-and-new Morning Time looks something like this...

This year, we are reading through the passages listed in the Daily Bible Reading Plan for Children, found ~here~ , which features Bible stories and truths that every child should know.  I did this plan with Kati years ago, and I think that Bekah will profit from this walk through the Bible. 

We will learn more verses in Romans 8.  (I'd love to think that we could commit this entire chapter to memory this year; it seems a worthy goal.)   
Bekah will continue to learn the books of the Old Testament.  That was part of last year's plan too, but we got waylaid, so we plan to get back on the path this fall.  We will also review the books of the New Testament. 

We are learning “O, For a Thousand Tongues to Sing”, by Charles Wesley.  I would love for Bekah to learn to play this hymn on the piano too. 


Bekah: “The Kitten at Play” by William Wordsworth
Mom: “Who Shall Deliver Me?” by Christina Rosetti

We're reading Poetry for Young People: William Wordsworth.  Each book in this series introduces children to a poet, beginning with a few pages of biography, and quickly proceeding to a plethora of that poet's  works. 

I will be going back to some of the artists and composers that we studied when Bekah was still very young.  (There is a 7.5 year age difference in Bekah and our recent graduate.)
This term we will be listening to the music of Johannes Sebastian Bach, and we will read Opal Wheeler's Sebastian Bach: Boy of Thuringia

We are delighting in the art of Impressionist Claude Monet.  We'll read Linnea in Monet's Garden, and Charlotte in Giverny.  This is right up Bekah's alley...she loves art, she loves beauty, she loves anything French! 

Monet's Bridge Over a Pond of Water Lilies, 1899
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

For more reading about "Morning Time":

An introduction to our own "Morning Time"
What Is Morning Time? by Cindy Rollins
Cindy's Inspiration for Morning Time
Kathy's "Morning Stack"


  1. Cheryl, what a delightful read, your morning time sounds just perfect.Are you accepting older students. ~smile~
    I read your Sunday snapshot post, and enjoyed it so much, what a perfect way to end the summer!! Beautiful family.
    Enjoy your day.

  2. Do you and Bekah know that there "O, For a Thousand Tongues to Sing" is in that small white piano book? I remember it being a simple version but still very pretty.

  3. No, I did not know that. We will definitely check it out! (Her piano teacher asked her to find a hymn to work on too!)

  4. Thank you for sharing this glimpse into your mornings. I'm intrigued by the Bible reading plan as I've been needing something new. Will check into it further.

  5. I'm excited to check out your links! We are slow starting this year. Usually today would be our first day but we have a few important things to attend to this week and will begin next Monday!

    Blessings, Debbie
