Saturday, October 22, 2011

{31 Days to Make a House a Home} Day 22 ~ Provide Reading Corners

Ingredients for a reading corner: 
  • Cozy chair
  • Nearby lamp
  • Place to set a cup of tea or coffee
  • Book

A favorite reading corner in our house is on the loveseat in the kitchen.  (We I have been known to stare down the person who got to this reading corner before I did.)  It has all of the right ingredients.

 This chair is an appealing spot, but the lamp is not quite bright enough for me, especially in the evening.  I once put a floor lamp beside it which improved the situation greatly, but, alas, I had robbed the lamp from the space by my husband's recliner, which meant that he could not see to read the newspaper, and so I returned it.  (It was only fair, since Ron usually moves from my favorite spot on the loveseat when I stare him down.)  

We also have reading chairs in each of the bedrooms. 

You just can't have too many reading corners! 

Where do you curl up with a book? 


  1. I'm up too late! I think I can read anywhere. I read on the couch, in the tub, in the car... but I think my favorite place to read is in or on my bed. Even if I'm not laying down, I like to sit there to read.

  2. We have lots of reading corners...

    I agree you never can have too many! My favorite is the gold tweed chair in the living room, between the two couches, in out open living room/kitchen. Cozy and comfy.


  3. Great post, I totally agree you can just simply never have too many ;)) I found ya blog hopping around and I'm officially following your creative space here.. Very lovely..I wanted to know if you would like to join in on my project..? Project PINK.. Painting the blog world PINK for a day.. Breast Cancer Awareness on Oct 3oth..!! Over 40 blogs so far are in.. Please check it out - it'll mean SO MUCH to me.. Wishing you a lovely weekend..

  4. Anywhere is good. I "curled up" with one in the front seat of the car waiting for my hubby today. I could use some inspiration with this one, though. And lighting and seating are two of the sticky wickets.
