Thursday, October 27, 2011

{31 Days to Make a House a Home} Day 27 ~ An Ordinary Tradition

Sometimes little rituals in your day or week 
can make ordinary times special. 

At our house Friday Movie Night is one of those rituals. 

The evening begins with take-out for supper.   (Yahoo!)

After dinner (and an easy clean up!), we put on the coffee
and our night at the movies (usually something from Netflix) begins!  

And what would movie night be without movie snacks?  

To ensure variety, we pick numbers at the beginning of the month, and each person has a week to choose the carry-out meal and the movie.  (If it were my turn every week, we'd eat Chinese food and watch You've Got Mail.)

What daily or weekly rituals does your family have? 


  1. We have started having family game night with the girls which includes all of us around the table with snacks,Chutes and ladders or Candy land so far :) Have a great day! I have enjoyed this 31 days thing so much!

  2. I love movie is just so hard to find good movies?!? And I am ALL about take out food AND movie snacks:)

    I am really enjoying your 31 days....

  3. Great idea,We have set aside Tuesday night as a date night for us, we go to this restaurant far out in the country, come home and watch a movie. thanks for sharing.

  4. This is a great one! I need to look into Netflix again.
