Saturday, October 29, 2011

{31 Days to Make a House a Home} Day 29 ~ Hide Ugly Stuff

Don't leave it in sight.  The ugly stuff, that is. 

Living in an older house, we know all about lack of storage space.  The builders of our house did not allot much square footage to closets, and the few that they built were eensy-weensy.  So we have had to be creative in finding places to put our belongings. 

Of course, the first answer to storage problems is to purge!  I find it necessary to purge fairly often to keep our stuff to a manageable level. 

But my second principle of storage is to hide ugly stuff

Put it away.  Put it in a basket.  Put it in a cupboard.  Put it in a closet.  Put it in a pretty container.  Put it behind closed doors.

Choose furniture with drawers or doors. 

Choose sofas with skirts.  (Lots of stuff can fit under a sofa.  My scrapbook box and our Wii balance board are under the living room sofa.  The kitchen loveseat conceals shoes, as we have no mudroom or foyer at the back door.) 

Choose to have your husband build some closed cabinetry at the bottom when he creates your built-in bookcases.  (Yes, I know I'm lucky.) 

Put your dish soap in a pretty pump container if it must sit on your kitchen counter.  Hide extra rolls of toilet paper under the vanity.  Put daily mail in a deep basket (or sort it when it enters the house).   

Corral legos and blocks in a basket. 

Why not look around your house and see if you see anything ugly?  Then find a way to either purge it, or hide it. 

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~


  1. Those are all great tips Cheryl ~ I can always use more ideas for organizing and storing all the "stuff"! I really like your cat food in the Mince Meat container ~ very cute!!

  2. Ut oh! Dont look at the pic of my kitchen i just posted lol..I better go work on that now!

  3. I like to organize and try to stay on top of things like this. My only problem is when I make changes, I forget where things are and find myself having to look. I think I need to make a file system like 3x5 cards or a computer document of where things are, but I never take the time to do it that way. Since I have many baskets and containers that store things, I do have a lot of extra storage space tho for maximizing the storage.

  4. I love this series, Cheryl. I've enjoyed following along and you've done an excellent job. Great advice!

    I have a hutch in our living room that the 'extras' go in. Making a house a home can be such a joyful journey. I'm a work in progress and so is my home.

  5. A great tip... I've been doing some of that myself... purging and hiding the ugly stuff.

    And in answer to your what is it question:

    My guess is All Three at some point, at the very least a temporary nap place for Pinky!

  6. I really enjoyed this , Cheryl, as I am always looking for things and ways to hide my stuff, the only problem is I sometimes do such a great job of hiding that I can't find them. lol Your hiding places I love, so pretty.

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  8. I have really enjoyed this series. Each day gave me a little bit to think on. I now have a fall centerpiece on my table :) THIS post is where I need to work though -- hiding the ugly, especially paper piles! Thanks again.

  9. Oh so smart. I love furniture with drawers to hide things in. Cabinets and closets are always in use here.

    I once went to Bunco at a gal's house. Sorry to say I was so grossed out because she fed her cats ON the kitchen counter. Now we have always had a cat too but we don't encourage them to walk on the counter where the people food is.

    Hide the ugly wet cat food.
