Saturday, November 12, 2011

To-Do List For Saturday

1) A little cooking...
Vegetable-beef soup simmering on the stove, pork roast thawing for Sunday.

2) A little cleaning...
Should be more than a little, I suppose, but we'll at least get the house presentable for Sunday.

3) A little contemplation...
Could I possibly paint my kitchen cabinets before Christmas?  Before Thanksgiving?  Am I nuts?  Isn't there enough to do already?  Can I even decide on a color, for heaven's sake?  Did I really encourage my friend to "go for it" when we discussed painting her cabinets, and then waffle about doing my own?  Should I "go for it" myself while Ron thinks it's a good idea?  Am I crazy?!

(I will accept any feedback on item # 3.  Would you ever contemplate such a project before the holidays?)


  1. If you feel 'in the mood' for it... then I say go for it. The grace seems to be there then... which includes creative ideas and aha moments to make it all come together.

  2. I say "Go for it!" What colors are you considering?

    I have paint for two rooms that just need a "refresher" coat...I must do it soon!


  3. Your vegetable beef soup ... oh my. My mouth is watering.

    And yes, I agree. Go for it! Think how lovely it will be to entertain during the holidays with a whole new look to your kitchen! And a new color might inspire a hunt for paper plates and napkins to match!

  4. Painting the cabinets - now - would be over the top for me....but then again just about any major project would be too much for me.....but if you are excited and you have hubbie's support....then "Go for It!!" Be sure to let us see the finished product:)

  5. Oh interesting question... I just put my paint away. The cabinets are not done. John is not ready to do all that needs doing before Thanksgiving and I can't abide a mess before Christmas so I am saving my project for January when I'm really going to need to keep myself busy. Now I'll be interested to see what you do!

  6. Be sure you are sure about painting your cabinets. From your photo, looks like you have very pretty cabinets. I painted my a couple years ago and hate them. I wish I had not painted them. Love your house and your style. Enjoy your blog.
    Blessings, Sharon
