Friday, December 23, 2011

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree...

♪ ♫ ♪  How lovely are thy branches  ♪ ♫ ♪

It's not part of the song, but...
far lovelier are the dear daughters
around the trees!

Bekah in front of the kitchen tree

Kati beside the family tree in the living room

And the gorgeous photography is a gift
from my dear (and talented!) friend, Frances.
(♥ thank you ♥)

Linking up with Kristin's Gather Round Your Tree Linky Party


  1. Beautiful girls ànd nice photo's.
    Merry Christmas/gezegend Kerstfeest.

  2. Wonderful photos! Beautiful subjects. You're right, the daughters are more fair. What a darling kitchen tree. Love the gingerbread and the dried citrus. It must smell fantastic!

  3. "Far lovelier are the dear daughters" ..... amen! Nothing can compare to the faces of those who are most precious to us.

    But your trees are truly lovely, too. I'm so glad I got to see them.

    Hugs .....
