Thursday, January 19, 2012

Star Struck!

(In Which I Make a Short Story Long)

Do you like to hear the story behind a gift?  We do!  In fact, it can often take us a long time to open gifts because there are stories to tell.  "The reason I chose that one..."  "You'll never guess where I found this..."  "It was the night that Dad and I went to the house tour..."

This year, a gift from Ron had a story that was almost better than the gift!  Well, wasn't really better.  But the story did make the gift even better!

I like to freshen things up in my house from time to time.  (I used to rearrange the furniture when I got in the mood for a change.  There are two reasons why I do not do that anymore.  One, I have too much stuff.  As we have filled the rooms with furniture over a span of thirty-one years, everything has its place and there are just not a lot of ways to move things around.  Two, I am just too old.  In my younger days, it was nothing to, on a whim, shift and drag and slide large pieces of furniture all over the place, trying for a new perspective.  And if I didn't like the result, I'd just shift and drag and slide everything back.  Today?  It is me that I am shifting, dragging, and sliding and that is enough.)

So with a mind to freshen up the house a bit, I looked at the picture that hung over the loveseat in the kitchen, the one that had been hanging in the same place since we remodeled the kitchen in 1995...and I decided that we needed to relocate that picture and hang something else there.  I might have mentioned that a Warren Kimble picture would be perfect in that spot.  ~smile~ 

Now for the story...
In mid-November, Ron secretly ordered a Warren Kimble autographed print as a Christmas gift for me!  He had it shipped to Kristin's house, and he and she waited for it to arrive.  When a few weeks went by with no signs of said print, and then when our bank statement had no record of the transaction, he decided to call the business.  He spoke with Elena and learned that the company who took care of orders had quit, and so Ron's order was lost in the other company's records.  Elena told him to mail them a check for the print, and that it would be mailed out right away. 

More time went by, and Ron called again to make sure that his check had arrived.  He spoke with a gentleman who told him that Elena was not there, and that he wasn't sure whether the check had arrived because they had not checked the mail, but that Elena would return his call. 

Shortly afterward, Elena did call Ron, and she assured him that the print had been mailed.  "Warren, when did you mail 'Burnt Hills'?" she asked someone in the room.


Ron had talked to THE Warren Kimble!  

So as Ron told me this story on Christmas Eve, I was star struck!

My husband had had a conversation with Warren Kimble. I looked at him with new respect. 

The print did not arrive in time for Christmas, but it did not matter to me one bit. I knew that it was on its way, and that it had been mailed personally by Warren Kimble.

It arrived at Kristin's house the week after Christmas. and she brought it when they came for dinner. While everyone else was filling their plates, I sat on the loveseat and carefully opened my print, admiring Warren's very neat handwriting on the address label. Inside was the desired print, with the promised autograph. There was even one of Warren's own business cards, which I have put up on my refrigerator below the family photos. (I wonder if he minds me calling him by his first name.)

I continue to be star struck. 

"Burnt Hills" has not yet been hung above the loveseat. Ron made a fram for it on Saturday, and I am painting it this week. I promise to show it to you when it's up. 

And you can oooh and aaah over the art that was created by the Warren Kimble...who talked with my husband. 


  1. Well now, this puts the day when I complained to FlyLady that my duster had not yet arrived in perspective. ☺ How neat! Great story! I so want to see that print in place.

  2. WOW, Cheryl. THAT is an amazing story! I share your star-struck awe! It's so much better that the identity of the man on the phone was only known after the fact. THE Warren Kimble! You have a treasure, indeed. And a story to match. Can't wait to see it hanging above your loveseat!

    Several years ago, I bought a book on eBay that supposedly was owned by Elizabeth Prentiss! There was an inscription inside from a gentleman who was known to be a friend of their family ... to "Lizzy". You can IMAGINE how delighted I was to get that in my possession.

  3. Frances, what a delightful find!! That feels so personal! I think that I can imagine...

  4. Cheryl I too share in your star-struck awe!! What a wonderful story! That is Awesome!! I love the print and look forward to seeing it in it's new frame!

  5. Cheryl, I had to come back for a second read (smile).

    I particularly love this sentence:

    "My husband had had a conversation with Warren Kimble. I looked at him with new respect."

    You are such a great storyteller!

  6. Now I'm star struck. I commented on the blog written by the women who's husband spoke with THE Warren Kimble!! No way!!

    I can't wait to see the entire effect...

    You're a hoot Cheryl. :)

    Blessings, Debbie

  7. once Grandma bought a book of Norman Rockwell's and wrote to him to tell him how much she liked it. He sent her back a personal letter and a signed print of his home town......I think you should

    1. same the wrapping paper with his handwriting on it and date stamp and

    2. write to him and tell him this story and see if "Warren" will write back to you!

  8. Oh wow, now I can say I know someone, who's married to someone, who talked on the phone to Warren Kimble! LOL! I'd be giddy about that too!
    And I can totally relate to the bit about rearranging furniture. Shew, those days are gone!

  9. That is a great story, Cheryl! I LOVE Warren Kimball's art!

  10. I agree with Joanie! You should at least let him know about the link to your blog post. When I reviewed Henry Cole's A Nest For Celeste on my blog, I e-mailed him via his website and he personally e-mailed back from his own yahoo account, thanking me for what I had written.

  11. Joanie and Kristin, I did it! I sent an email to Warren Kimble (fan mail?). :-)

  12. What a great story!

    I can't wait to see it hanging!

    We have snow on the way! How about you? My kids are beyond excited!


  13. Hi! I am visiting from Debbie's No Spring Chicken That is a great story and a wonderful surprise for you. I know you will be happy to have it hung!

  14. What a lovely, sweet, story Cheryl, one for the memory bank that you are storing, and one that you will be able to continue to share in years to come.I enlarged the print , and it is absolutely beautiful!, isn't it wonderful to find people who have not let success go to their head. Looking forward to seeing it in its place of honor, and when you pass by it, I am sure the memory will be relived.
    I was chuckling as I was reading of how you would change the furniture settings, I have, and notice, I said have done this so many times, but not quite as often now, and for the same reasons you mentioned. ~smile~
    Enjoy your weekend.

  15. Hi, Cheryl!

    This is Elena (from your story - of which I'm very excited to be apart). I have been Warren's (yes - you can call him that!) intern for 2 years on-and-off, and I actually remember speaking with your husband! Your story is so sweet. I'm going to tell Warren all about it because I know that he will enjoy it too. :)

    I hope you are loving your signed print! Burnt Hills is one of my favorites.

