Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Week that Was

It was a week of hearts and hugs and red roses. 


It was a week of hormones and headaches and hurt feelings.
It was a week of plumbing issues and no obvious solutions. 
It was a week of fumbling and frustrations and falling short.

Oh how good it is to know that His mercies are new every morning!

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~  * ~

 It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed,  
                         because  his compassions  fail not.                                        
                                         They are new every morning:                  
                great is thy faithfulness.                
Lamentations 3:22, 23 


  1. On one hand, it's reassuring to know that OTHER people have days (weeks) like this.

    On the other hand, I'm sad it happened to you and your house.

    Above ALL, I, too, praise God for new mercies, grace & faithfulness and JOY that comes in the "morning"!

  2. " ... because His compassions fail not." Compassions. Isn't that exactly what we need in the midst of our struggles and failings. To know that He knows all there is to know about us, and yet His heart is filled with compassion for us nonetheless. That is mercy, indeed. It's easy to say those words. But when you live through them, both the failings and the compassions, it changes you. It humbles you. It makes you love harder and give your own compassion stronger.

    Your deep red roses are so beautiful, Cheryl. I'm reminded of His blood as I look at them. His blood which was the greatest Mercy of all.

    I'm sorry you have had a week of hormones and headaches and hurt feelings, etc. Sometimes it seems as if it would be so wonderful if we just couldn't "feel". Yet we know that isn't true. Life would be just awful if we couldn't feel. I was reading Gold Cord recently and came upon a phrase Amy used ... "little private tender refreshings." May we each be visited with those tender refreshings in this newly-coming week.

    Much love to you, my sweet friend.

  3. Sounds like a normal life to me! Not big dramatic highs and lows, but just normal human junk!

    Many a day, I am praying and giving thanks for those Mercies which are new every morning! Great is HIS faithfulness!


  4. Amen! Yes indeed, Great is His faithfulness!

  5. New EVERY morning. He is a patient, compassionate, generous Abba.

    It's tough when life isn't all roses. I pray today is rich with the knowledge of Him, respectful, quietly entertained kiddos, and an intuitive, loving man (your husband of course!), all laced with humor. :)

    {{hugs}} Debbie

  6. is so roller-coaster-ish by times. Hope that all is resolved. And it is good that, no matter what, the Lord is going with us and He has a plan.

  7. Aren't Mondays the best? I know most folks don't have that same sentiment toward them, but I always feel like Mondays are a fresh start after a Really Rough Week.

    P.S. I thought after the girls were married we'd be free from hormone-filled weeks... but have discovered I can have a meltdown all by mineself. Poor Chris.

    Hugs to you and your family, Cheryl!
