Monday, April 9, 2012

Sunday Snapshots: Resurrection Sunday

Celebrating the Risen Lord! 

The morning spent with our church family, celebrating His life with the Word, the bread and the wine, worship, and sweet fellowship.

Back at home, celebrating with fellowship and food...

...and fun!

The Hunt!

Family photo shoot...

Group shot

Our oldest daughter, Kristin, and her beautiful family

The four of us

My parents

Me and my girls
(Missing my boy and his family...)

For in him we live, and move, and have our being.
Acts 17:28


  1. Wonderful photos!

    Those blue eggs are amazing!

    Glad it was such a special day for you all...


  2. I am so glad you get to be together as a family. I remember being little and hunting for eggs at my grandmothers, too. I was surprised to see those blue eggs. I had been thinking it would be fun to color them all the same color sometime, and here you've already done it:)
