Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Note Card Party: The Cats

I am often attracted to cards with animals on them.  Animal faces can be so expressive, and if you're an animal lover, those faces can win you over in a hurry!  Vee is hosting her monthly note card party (you can join in too!), and I have gathered a few pictures of our feline babies to share. 

Oh, these faces have certainly won us over! 

My girls had wanted to have a cat for years.  But Ron said no to an inside cat (he did not want a litter box, nor clawed furniture), and I said no to an outside cat (I didn't want to risk it being hit on our busy road); thus, we had no cat.  But the Lord brought two cats to us.  Really.  They appeared on our property within a few months of one another, one male, one female, both neutered!  One wanted very much to be an inside pet; one wanted no parts of the inside...the great outdoors is fine, thank you very much.  And although it took us a while to win them over, they had won our hearts in no time.  (You can read the beginning of our cat story in A Lesson Via Stray Cats.)

Here is Pinky, perched by Bekah's "Kitty Cucumber" Christmas tree. 
Pinky has probably been on the very top of every piece of furniture in the house. 
We even found her straddling the top of a door one day,
eyes as big as saucers, waiting for someone to rescue her.

James Herriot once said, "Cats are connoisseurs of comfort." 
Pinky fits that description.

Puss is a big teddy bear. 
It was almost a year before we touched him for the first time,
and he is still quite timid.
But he loves his people now...as long as we are inside the back porch.
If we are out in the yard, he doesn't know us.  He has issues. 

Bekah took this picture of Puss, napping on his porch with his little tongue sticking out.
He is the sweetest thing.

Since they arrived in our yard, these kitties have taught me many spiritual "object lessons."  If you have the time or inclination to read, I am sharing one such lesson below. 

Be sure to visit A Haven For Vee,
and see some amazing photographs at this month's
Note Card Party!

A Haven for Vee



(originally posted December, 2010)

The poor little black cat had apparently been hit by a car. I passed its lifeless body several times last week as I drove to and fro on a road near my house, and it pulled at my heartstrings. I have a soft spot for animals anyway, but this particular cat reminded me of our own Pinky.

That could have been Pinky, I mused as I drove by.

It could have been Pinky, for Pinky was a stray who just showed up at our house one February.

But if she had not come to our house where there was food outside for another stray cat...

If she had not found a house with two girls who loved her immediately...

If those girls had not had parents who had a soft spot for a cantankerous but needy little kitty...

If we had not taken her in, to safety and food and love...

But Pinky has no idea.

Here she is...with humans who love her, with plenty to eat, with a warm house...and she lives like the Rum Tum Tugger*. "She will do as she do do, and there's no doing anything about it."  She is totally unaware of her good fortune.

And I am afraid that I am like Pinky.

My Heavenly Father has rescued me. He "brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings." (Psalm 40:2)

He feeds me with Living Bread. "I [Jesus] am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst." (John 6:35)

He loves me with "an everlasting love." (Jeremiah 31:3)

He has promised never to leave me. "Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." (Matthew 28:20)

He has provided eternal life with Him in Heaven. "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." (John 14:2, 3)

He gives me grace and mercy every single day in the here and now. "My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness." (II Corinthians 12:9)

And what do I do?

I should fall down at His feet and cry out with gratitude and worship. I should wonder why I should be so favored, when I have done nothing at all to deserve His kindness.

And yet I am like Pinky. I sometimes live as if His grace is natural, is normal, is expected...oblivious to the fact that I couldI shouldbe anywhere but in His family. I live as if unaware of His great mercy.

When this passing world is done,
When has sunk yon glaring sun,
When we stand with Christ in glory,
Looking o’er life’s finished story,
Then, Lord, shall I fully know—
Not till then—how much I owe.

When I stand before the throne,
Dressed in beauty not my own,
When I see Thee as Thou art,
Love Thee with unsinning heart,
Then Lord, shall I fully know—
Not till then—how much I owe.

Chosen not for good in me,
Wakened up from wrath to flee,
Hidden in the Savior’s side,
By the Spirit sanctified,
Teach me, Lord, on earth to show,
By my love, how much I owe.**

"Even on earth, Lord, make me know
something of how much I owe."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

* "The Rum Tum Tugger" by T.S. Eliot (1888-1965)
** "I Am Debtor" by Robert M McCheyne (1813-1843)


  1. Beautiful photos of the pets, I especially like the last one. You have a lovely blog, I will be back for another visit! Visiting from Vee's Note Card Party. xo

  2. Love your post! The names seemed familiar, and then I realized that I had just read Kati's blog!
    I do so love cats, they are such a joy and blessing. And I have indeed learned many wonderful spiritual lessons from them.
    I'm off to

  3. I like your cat cards! I'm not a cat lover but I enjoy others'!

  4. Very nice! I love the one on the back porch with the sun streaming in!

  5. Pinky and Puss are adorable! Bless you for making their lives better. We feed ferals, and have rescued several over the years. I love the third photo best, but I enjoyed seeing all of them.

  6. And you missed that "straddling the door" shot? Ha! I love how Pinky's eyes match the lights on the tree and Puss's little pink tongue tipped out that way showing that he is completely content. I am glad that you parents relented because the love our children have for their pets teaches them so very much. And, as you say, we learn some wonderful spiritual truths from our pets as well. Thank you for sharing some of them, Cheryl.

  7. Wonderful post and loved the images of your kitties. Great selections for Note Cards. Animals/pets have many lessons for their humans.

  8. I have to agree these cat photos are cute. Even though I don't like cats I love photos of them! Blessings, Pamela

  9. Oh, the kitties are so cute! I miss our Maxx! He really had won our hearts!

    Your spiritual lesson is a good one. Thank you for sharing...


  10. If I had to describe this post in one word, it would be "AWESOME".
    You cats live by the same motto that my parents taught me, and that was to choose my friends, in this case to choose their family, and a great caring and fun family they chose.

    I had a similar thing happen with our two cats, we lost one last year, but he was such a sweetheart, and gave us many years of joy and pleasure
    Pinky and Puss are adorable.

    Beautiful thoughts on Debtor!!

    I also enjoyed your Snapshot Sunday post.
    Thanks for sharing.

  11. Hi Cheryl! I haven't really disappeared... See, here I am!!

    I'll post later today and share the ridiculous truth of what's been going on. Glad to see that you're still right here where you belong. :)

    Love your 'notecards'. Of course, I love cats and your situation (an indoor and an outdoor) is just like ours.

    Your analogy of the "Rum Tum Tugger" is convicting. The girls and I have been studying people who have given their total devotion to 'no gods' and then found the true God. How amazing it is that once they find the truth and are offered grace their devotion is so complete, their trust complete. They have lived the lie and now the truth is Living Water. They become powerful for the Kingdom because of their utter devotion and gratitude and ... trust. Have you read Death of a Guru by Rabi Maharaj? Do!

    Blessings, Debbie

  12. I love your photos and post, Cheryl. We have a beloved kitty that is an inside kitty and two outside 'visitors' one of which looks a lot like your Puss. We also live on a busy road and I worry about their safety.
    I will be back to read more. Enjoy your day!
    ~Another Cheryl

  13. Nothing more peaceful than a sleeping cat. Adorable.

  14. Love your kitty cat pictures -- especially that first one. The Christmas tree garland looks like a waiting necklace for the cat:) I really loved your post -- convicting me for sure.

  15. A great set of note cards! But even better...the spiritual lessons shared. Thanks.

  16. That last one is great photography. I love this party. So great photos and so many new ideas. That is what blogging is all about. Will visit again.
