Friday, July 13, 2012

Another Whim

Whim n: a capricious or eccentric and often sudden idea or turn of the mind; fancy.

In Monday's post, I alluded to another one of my whims or "sudden ideas."  

It began as a normal Saturday morning and coffee time with Ron.  But by the time morning had passed (including some time on Pinterest), I had convinced myself that one of these Rufus Porter style wall murals would be the thing to decorate the wall by my staircase.  

It kind of went like this...

On Friday, I repinned this mural onto my "I Could Live Here" Pinterest board.  

On Saturday morning, I saw that my friend Kim had commented on my pin, told me that she had a video on how to do these murals, and offered to loan it to me!  Really?!

And that's all it took.

Now I don't really know if I have the talent to do something on this scale.  My limited experience with folk art has been painting on small wooden objects like game boards and stools...most of it back in the 80's.  

I have never done anything like these...

Be still my heart.  

So I will watch the video...and consider.  

But what do I have to lose by trying?  If it ends up looking like a kindergarten coloring page, can't I just paint over it?  Nothing ventured, nothing gained?  Am I crazy?  (Debbie thinks so. ~smile~)

And what is it about Saturday mornings with me?


  1. On this subject, if you send me your mailing address I have a gift I'd like to send you. It's a book about early american stenciling and much is written about Rufus Porter and other itinerant painters.....lots of pictures too! I used it for some research and have been holding onto it ever sense hoping to find the right person to pass it on to. :)

  2. Milah!! I am soooo excited!! :D

  3. Wow! It looks as if you're being gifted with interesting delights. It may be a sign that all will be well should you attempt this. Does the method involve and overhead projector? I'm just wondering because ANYTHING can be accomplished with an overhead projector. ☺

  4. Found the videos, Cheryl! One is on the art of Rufus Porter, and the other is the "How To" part!

  5. What a delightful idea, for a project!!!!!!!! Do go for it, and have fun, fun, fun. Like you said, if you don't like it, you can paint over it. :-)

    I came over, from comments in Vee's blog (A Haven For Vee), after reading your comment there. Concerning the fact that you had eaten those decadent cookies she showed.... BECAUSE you home-schooled, and etc., etc., etc.

    -giggggles- That is the most charming excuse I have ever heard, for indulging in some calorie and sat/fat filled dessert!!!!! My hat's off to you, for coming up with that excuse.

    -more giggggles-


  6. I say "go for it", Cheryl, you will do a beautiful job! I am sitting here drooling over these murals, I had one in my last home in my dining room and got a lot of complements on it! I will be looking forward to seeing what you do!
    Enjoy your weekend,

  7. Definitely go for it! Even if you don't like it, you can paint over it like you said. And trying new things makes you feel alive :)

  8. Oh that will be awesome!

    And I agree with Vee - anything can be done with an overhead projector!

    This will be perfect for you house!


  9. I'd say... follow the whim.

    And it's too interesting that you mention the phrase "Am I crazy" because I just started a posting with that title yesterday.... and it's about crazy quilting.

    Maybe I'm now inspired to go finish the posting... and then follow the whim and do a little crazy project.

    Oh yes... it's been good for me to come and see you, Cheryl!

    My blog tank is filling nicely, thanks to you and a few other creative lovelies!

    Enjoy your weekend... hope there's a hint of cooler for you soon!
