Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday Snapshots: Hospitality

Today, our family (our own family of four, and Kristin's family of seven) were invited to Sunday lunch at the lovely home of our friends Bryan, Mary, and Aaron.  Of course, Mary is accustomed to cooking for three, but she (with the help of her grill master, Bryan) outdid herself and prepared a wonderful meal for fourteen this afternoon.  Not only did they feed us, but they were so gracious and made us feel right at if their home was filled with fourteen people (seven of them under the age of 10!) every Sunday afternoon!  

This evening I am thinking about hospitality.  

Hospitality says, I am giving of myself.

Hospitality says, You are welcome here.

Hospitality says, It's not about my home, or even the food.  It's about sharing our time, our means, our selves.

More thoughts on hospitality...


  1. What a wonderful three-fold summary of hospitality!

    Have you read Karen Main's (old) book Open Heart, Open Home? To me, that title is right on target! "You are welcome in my heart; you are welcome in our home....."

  2. Big fan of hospitality here!

    It is so important and such a wonderful way of sharing love and kindness with others!

    Love your posts!


  3. Thank you Cheryl for your kind words! We always enjoy it we all get together! We have lots of fun and make memories we will cherish for a lifetime! we are so thankful and blessed that God brought your family and Kristin and Brian's family into our lives! Blessings my dear friend!

  4. Confession time...hospitality is not always easy for me and I do not like, no, the word would be stronger, I despise drop-in visits. I'm sure that the Lord is speaking to me about this. Oh, I love Brenda's (Coffee Tea Books and Me) thoughts on a "hospitality pantry." I need one.
