Saturday, August 25, 2012


I'm not talking about dinner leftovers, although I love those.  I'd much rather have some reheated soup or some salad for lunch than a sandwich.  

But the leftovers I'm talking about today are leftovers from our kitchen remodel.  

The scariest part of the kitchen remodel for me was the day that Ron put in our countertop...and asked ME to help him measure!  ACK!!  Too much pressure!  I was so afraid that we would make a mistake, and how do you fix a mistake that you discover after you have cut this costly piece of wood that can only be purchased at a store that is a couple of hours drive from your house?  And then the two 45° pieces did. not. meet.  (We later realized--after some blood, sweat, and tears--that it was the wall that was not square, not our countertop measurements/cuts.)  And then there was the opening for the sink...


Why am I reliving this?  The good news is that the measuring is done.  The kitchen remodel is done.  And now we have leftovers.  

Leftover countertop, to be exact.  Made into a new cutting board.

These kinds of leftovers are great!  

I'm putting the cutting board to good use...

And there were enough "leftovers" to make another for Kristin's birthday.

And Ron thinks that he will have just enough to make one for Kati (who drooled over mine).  


  1. Oh oh...I see more countertop work in your future. Bekah is surely going to want one and what about your daughter-in-law? Mother? Ha! I'm just a troublemaker.

    That is a very nice cutting board. I like the drain just in from the edge and can think of lots of things...watermelon for one...that would cut up nicely. Well see? Now even I want one.

  2. I love mine! I may sound like a certain family member, though, when I say it's almost too pretty too use. At least I have removed the plastic from my shades.

  3. These are great left overs! So neat that it is part of something else....just like our dining table being made out of left over pine planks from our floor!


  4. Love those -- and yes, Katie needs one:)
