Friday, August 17, 2012

Packing Lunches...Bekah Style

When the Pottery Barn Kids catalog came in the mail, I took a quick glance and laid it aside.  I love getting inspiration from their great kids' bedroom designs, but this particular catalog was a "Back to School" edition with backpacks and lunchboxes, and  our "Back to (Home)School" requires neither.

And then later, I heard ooh-ing and aah-ing.  Extreme ooh-ing and aahing.  Someone was impressed with something.  

I found Bekah with the Pottery Barn catalog.  And she was ooh-ing and aah-ing over the beautiful lunch presentations!  Oooh, the wee containers of berries!  Aaah, the veggies and dip!  The tic-tac-toe sandwiches!  The butterfly sandwiches!  Such beauty!

She tore the pages of artful lunch ideas from the catalog before she returned it to the recycle pile.  

I have often said that one of the (many) benefits of homeschooling is that I do not have to pack lunches.  I only need to pack lunches for our monthly co-op, and I usually whine complain fret about that.  (I just never know what to pack.  I'm not a big fan of sandwiches, and what else do you put in a lunch box?  Especially when you're running late, which is almost always.)  

But after witnessing Bekah's thrill at the beautiful lunch presentations, I have determined to make our co-op lunches shine this year!

I surprised Bekah with an "unbirthday" gift of a multi-compartment lunch container that she had admired. She is already making plans for the first couple of lunches.  We will be more organized about pre-planning and having the right supplies on hand.  Bekah may even do the assembling and packing herself.  

One of the (many) joys of raising children is seeing their individual personalities blossom...watching to see what they love, what their talents are, what makes their heart sing!  

And when something so simple makes my girl's heart sing, then why not encourage the singing?   


  1. Cheryl, this posting truly touches my heart. I think I even have small tears in the corners of my eyes. It is such a beautiful thing to see a mother being so sensitive and attuned to the hearts of her individual children. Some mothers would have just brushed aside the oooh's and aahhh's and not have given the matter another thought. Your last sentence says so very much about you and is just one of the many reasons I admire and love you so. "And when something so simple makes my girl's heart sing, then why not encourage the singing?" Indeed, I feel tears not just in my eyes but all the way down to my heart.

  2. I don't know what I liked better, the blog post or Frances's comment!! :)

  3. Sarah Jean...Frances's comment made me cry!
    (Thanks for popping in...)

  4. How exciting for you! You may never have to pack a lunch again. I can see why Bekah was is pretty cool. You don't care for sandwiches? I could eat sandwiches every day of my life and not complain.

  5. That first comment should be framed or placed in your homeschooling treasure file. So true...
