Saturday, September 29, 2012

31 Days in October...

Click the button to access all the posts in this series!

During the 31 days of October, I will be sharing my thoughts about hospitality, my own journey into the comfort zone of hospitality (and I am still on that journey!), and some practical ways to feel more at ease in opening your home.  

Will you join me?  

I'll be linking up with The Nester and lots of other bloggers for the entire month of October!  Details ~here~!


  1. I've added the button to my sidebar with a link right back here. This is going to be fun! Thanks so much.

  2. I'm looking forward to all your work! hehehe This is an ambitious project. Kudos to you for your enthusiasm and I'll be back!

  3. I'm not a "linker", but be sure I'll be checking in! What a great topic--and excellent timing, too.
