Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Morning Time: Autumn 2012

A new school year, a new season...and we continue collecting our little grains of sand.  Morning Time is one of the most gratifying parts of our day, a time that has enriched us, one that is well worth the minutes that are sown in exchange for the bounty that is reaped.

(If you're not sure what I mean by "Morning Time," scroll down to the bottom of this post and follow some of the links.)

Morning Time currently looks something like this...

This year, we are reading through the second chart of the Daily Bible Reading Plan for Children, found ~here~ , which features Bible stories and truths that every child should know.  

We will learn more verses in Romans 8.  Last year's goal was to memorize the entire chapter, but we only learned the first thirteen verses.  We're at it again.  Let's see how far we get this year!  

We are learning “Arise, My Soul, Arise”, by Charles Wesley.  I had never heard this hymn until a couple of years ago when my friend gave me  Classic Songs From the Hymnal.  But I love the music of Charles Wesley, and this hymn on the CD is a soul-stirring choral arrangement. (If you'd like to hear a snippet from my CD, click ~here~ and turn up the sound!  If you'd like to hear a different arrangement of the entire hymn, play the youtube video below.)

Bekah: “Sick” by Shel Silverstein
Mom: Ummm...still deciding...

We're reading Poetry for Young People: Edward Lear.  Each book in this series introduces children to a poet, beginning with a few pages of biography, and quickly proceeding to a plethora of that poet's  works.  We have been surprised to learn that Edward Lear, writer of "The Owl and the Pussycat" and other nonsense verse, made his living as an artist and was a painting teacher to Queen Victoria!

This term we will be listening to the amazing music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and we will read Opal Wheeler and Sybil Deucher's Mozart, The Wonder Boy

To accompany our American history studies this year, we are looking at the art of early American portrait and landscape painter, John Singleton Copley.

Copley's John Hancock, 1765; Paul Revere, 1770; Watson and the Shark, 1778

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

For more reading about "Morning Time":

An introduction to our own "Morning Time"
What Is Morning Time? by Cindy Rollins
Cindy's Inspiration for Morning Time
Kathy's "Morning Stack"
Confessions Regarding Morning Time


  1. Your first welcoming paragraph, under the header, is absolutely fantastic.......I was waiting to see a name like Austen or Bronte or any other literary genius name laying claim to it. That is just the best thing I've read in a long while. xo

  2. Morning Time sounds wonderful. Even John and I have morning time, which includes some, but not all, of what you discuss. I really enjoyed listening to the Wesley hymn. Now I am falling down on memorization skills of any kind: poetry, scripture, telephone numbers.

  3. Morning Time sounds wonderful. Definitely well worth it.
    Your photo shoot from the previous post was great, too!

  4. Our morning time has not been consistent this year yet...between me in the shoppe on Wednesdays and having to take the other girls to work the other days. Sigh.

    I am going to work on it - reading about yours makes me miss our time!

