Friday, October 26, 2012

{31 Days of Hospitality} Day 26 ~ A Simple Concept

Over and over I have heard (or read) my friend Deanna say these words.  In comments, on her blog, in emails.  And I have been mulling it over.  It is a simple concept, and yet it is profound. Have you heard (or read) her say this?

"People love to be invited."  

Think about it.  While it is a simple idea on the surface, it is profound in its impact.  

Yes!  People do love to be invited!  

Can you remember the last time you received an invitation?  And I don't mean one of those home-party-buy-stuff kind of invitations (although they can be fun too).   I mean a we-want-to-hang-out-with-you kind of invitation.  Do you remember how it made you feel?  Were you excited?  Did you feel loved and wanted?  Did you mark the date on your calendar and look forward to it?  

I did!  

I can remember several such invitations recently, and I remember the thrill of being invited. you want to extend that same love and acceptance to someone in your world?    

Invite them!  

It's just that simple.  And that profound.  


  1. What a simple & true observation :)

    (And seeing that tablecloth reminds me I have a plaid one in autumn colors. I started to look for it the other day, failed, and didn't return to the task. Today is The Day to do that!)

  2. Beautiful setting for an outdoor autumn party. I want to be invited!

    Sometimes, I think about the constraints of my certainly has them...and I think that those constraints make people uncomfortable. My own grandson shudders to use the facilities here as the walls are too close and, apparently, too blue. =) After a recent upset, I asked him what I could do to make things better and he told me to get a white commode. Oh dear!

  3. Simple, but the essence of hospitality! Just do it - to borrow another phrase.

  4. Very true, Cheryl. And far out of my comfort zone.

  5. I LOVE to be invited!

    The last time we were invited was by one of the families in our church, on a Sunday after all the days activities were over. "We'd love it if you could come over and watch a movie with us!"

    Oh the delight! They live close by and we were so pleased to be asked! It was a fun night, simple. A movie, a drink and left over snacks from the afternoon. But great enjoyment for us.

