Sunday, October 28, 2012

{31 Days of Hospitality} Day 28 ~ "Given to Hospitality"

Thoughts to ponder...

Needy saints are everywhere--the unemployed, those who have been drained by medical bills, forgotten preachers and missionaries in obscure places, and senior citizens whose resources have dwindled. True Body-life means sharing with those who are in need. 

 "Never grudging a meal or a bed to those who need them" (J. B. Phillips). Hospitality is a lost art. Small homes and apartments are used as excuses for not receiving Christians who are passing through. Perhaps we do not want to face the added work and inconvenience. But we forget that when we entertain God's children, it is the same as if we were entertaining the Lord Himself. Our homes should be like the home in Bethany, where Jesus loved to be. 

 ~ Believer's Bible Commentary (William MacDonald)


  1. It is a dying art for sure. Thank you for encouraging us to revive it in our own homes!

  2. He did love to be there. How fun it would be to know what the home in Bethany was like... Let's see, they must have been good hosts that Mary, Martha, and Lazarus by greeting guests at the door, washing the guests' feet, good smells emanating from the "kitchen," eager listener in Mary for certain. Hmmm...a lot to ponder.

  3. What profound words. This series has really been encouraging me to step out a bit more. Thanks for all your hard work. This series has been so inspiring to me.

  4. More great thoughts about hospitality. Truly, it's so much more than entertaining. When I think of hosting Jesus, as Mary and Martha did, wow.
    Have a good week, Cheryl.

  5. Great post. I think it's sad how hospitality is becoming a lost art. It would be nice to see that change...
