Monday, December 24, 2012

"Guess What, Guys!"

On November 26, my four-year-old grandson Benjamin awoke and wandered out into the living room where his mama had placed a few wrapped gifts under their newly decorated Christmas tree. In his first-thing-in-the-morning confusion (or maybe a bit of wishful thinking), he bolted back to his bedroom and shouted to his brothers, "Guess what, guys!  You're not going to believe's CHRISTMAS EVE!"

It's probably been a long four weeks for Benjamin.  

For me?  Not so much.  And probably not for the other adults in Ben's life.  And probably not for you either.  

The whirlwind of those four weeks has passed...and here we are today, preparing for tomorrow's Christmas breakfast and afternoon buffet.  This evening is pizza (it's tradition!) and stockings and The Homecoming and gifts exchanged between Ron and me before the flurry of activity tomorrow...a  quiet, restful evening.

Back to work for me...and for you, my prayers for a glorious celebration of our Savior's coming!


  1. Hahhahaha...that's so cute. Poor little truly must've been a long four weeks. Pizza on Christmas eve? That's a good tradition. I think we're having fluffernutters. =D

    Merry Christmas to you and all your peeps!

  2. Enjoy your restful evening! And tomorrow with all it's joyous activity!

  3. Yes, homemade pizza will be on our table tonight, along with a whole lot of fish! My favorite night of the year, for so many reasons, but ONE especially big reason, Our Lord's birth. xo

  4. OH! Cheryl, it has been waaaay to long since I have visited, but circumstances do come.. ~smile~ I have just spent some of the most blessed moments visiting some of your previous posts, and am blessed beyond words, well, almost... I have reached a conclusion and I truly mean this, if there was an award for the perfect example of what a happy, loving , family is, yours would win hands down. The joy and happiness comes through in all of the photos, I truly believe a home centered on God is the key! what a beautiful example your family is of a light in a dark and turbulent world. I never leave without being blessed in some way. Thank you for sharing God's love to us here in blogland.
    Wishing you and your dear family a most blessed, and joyous Christmas.
    Thanks for the idea of the faux pomanders, great idea, I must try this next year.

  5. I found The Homecoming online the other day. I hadn't watched it in years!

    I hope you had a wonderful day - we did here!

    After a very mild December the last several days were cold, and we got snow last night! Did you?

    Love you all!
