Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Getting Organized For the New Year

One of the lovely things about being a homeschooler is that we have two new years!  Two chances to strike out on the path with a new resolve and renewed effort.  The first new year (for us) is in mid-September when we restart our homeschool, complete with a new schedule and plans for the year.  The second new year begins on January 1st when we not only come back to school after a holiday break, but also make new personal and household goals, and work at reorganizing everything from soup to nuts.

We are hosting a belated (due to multiple schedules) Christmas get together on Sunday, so we're leaving our Christmas decorations in place an extra week and delaying some of those bigger organizing projects. However, I have started getting organized in several ways.  

1) I am making daily lists.  

I told you about my daily lists in this post, but I have let that discipline slip over the holidays.  Instead of beginning the day with a detailed list, I slowly morphed into a more haphazard style of just doing the things.  But I find that I use my time more efficiently when I have the detailed list of tasks to check off, which means that I must set aside time before the day begins (perhaps even the night before) to organize my thoughts and make an orderly list.

2) The calendar is on the fridge. 

I used to keep all of my appointments and notable dates recorded on a pocket calendar in my purse, but a few years ago, I moved to a printed monthly calendar that I hang on my refrigerator.  Everything goes on that calendar...birthdays and anniversaries, party plans, doctor and dentist appointments, piano lessons, co-op day...everything.  It is a master calendar for the entire family.  Having it posted in a conspicuous place ensures that everyone can see what is happening all month.  When each person makes plans with friends or schedules an appointment, they check on the master calendar to choose a date that fits with other plans.  I look at the calendar every weekend to get organized for the week ahead.

I love the free printable calendars from TomKat Studio.  You can find their 2013 calendar ~here~.

3) We are making a list of goals for the new year.

Some of these are house projects.  Some are ways to use our time.  Some are improvements we'd like to make.  Some are just things we'd like to do.  Having our goals in writing seems to focus our thoughts and plans.  

What about you?  What do you do to get organized for the new year?


  1. Cheryl, I just left Vee's announcing that I needed to get some chores done today but decided to make one last check on my blog list, saw you had posted, I just had to stop by. I am a list maker too, and I have a note book where goals are set for the new year, and just love to take that pen and mark them done. Our list for the new year is quite long, and I am looking forward to starting them,(notice i said starting). lol. Our tree is still up and I am trying to hang on a little while longer.
    Thanks for the link.
    Enjoy your day and your get together this Sunday.

  2. And here I am catching her in a lie! LOL!

    I think we do similar things, Cheryl, except for the list thing. I only do that for the big times. I think with a family as large as yours, I'd probably do well to make a list, too. I did create a 2013 list yesterday following Susan Branch's advice and then yours...when I arrived at 15, I quit. I could have gone on and on.

  3. I'll be watching this post's comments for some good advice!

    So far, I'm working on de-cluttering our home, our schedule, and my brain so there's a place for everything that truly needs to be there. And focusing on home as a priority. Maybe the organizing will fall into place?

    Good luck! We should form a support group!

    Kim :-)

  4. Cheryl! You are not late with those Christmas decorations!! Don't let the modern world fool you! Christmas STARTS on the 25th, but it goes until the feast of The Baptism of the Lord, Jan 13th!! Jan 6th is just reaching Epiphany!! Which is when a lot of the world does presents, BTW. Don't end Christmas when it's just getting started!!

  5. I do like to make lists, for big things or when I feel my life is too chaotic. I did a to-do list by hand one day in early summer, had 28 things on it!! I got down to 8! Then added a few more. Then it went into hiding and I fell behind. Time to make a new list. I love the feeling of satisfaction I get when I cross an item off. xo

  6. I write lists all the time. Can't function without them. I'm hoping to do a list like Susan Branch recommended yesterday (and I see Vee has already done hers). Still thinking, here.

    Enjoy Christmas as long as you can.

  7. After reading the comments, I need to go find "Susan Branch"! We've got new SmartPhones. I was hoping to consolidate calendars with my husband and rely on the phones only......BUT I have a resistance to getting rid of paper. (I've always been a list maker, journaler, etc.) I think I'm trying to hang on to what I consider to be tangible or permanence. I will spend some time trying to get inside my head and come to a decision and then try to live with it.
