Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday Snapshots: A Month of Sundays

Sunday #1
Christmas/NewYears/Birthday Party
gifts, laughs, soup, games, birthday cake, friends

Sunday #2
Brian's Birthday
smiles, (more) soup, trifle (!), singing, candle, adorable grandsons, sweet wishes

Sunday #3
An Ordinary Sunday
chatter, games, reading, Mexican food, decadent dessert, giggles

Sunday #4
Another Ordinary Sunday 
(two in a row!)
sweets, sweethearts, soup (again!), curls, pretty girls, potty training, Wii, warmth


  1. These mosaics of happy times just bring a smile!

  2. Oh happy times! Did that darling boy etch the birthday greetings himself? Oh my! I could never do that!! Love the smiles and the love. It's obvious that you all enjoy being together.

  3. I love that I have met the other Katie, eaten that delicious trifle,sat in that delightful kitchen and living room....

    Next time I must meet Kristin...

