Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What Does Your Circle Look Like?

Because my two oldest daughters and I all blog, I have made some observations about blog circles and have even named them, sort of tongue-in-cheek.  

It began when Kati (19) participated in one of Vee's Note Card Parties, and I noticed that she was the youngest blogger that I visited.  "It's me and the grandmothers," she observed.  

As we thought about it, we realized that we do tend to read (and comment) in the same kinds of circles.  I call them the Teeny Bopper blogs, the Young Mom blogs, and the Grandmother blogs.  Now I know that is an oversimplification. Of course, we all venture into other circles, either regularly or occasionally.  But doesn't it make sense that we are drawn to those with whom we have common interests, including those who are in the same life stage that we are in ourselves?  (I also know that "Teeny Bopper" is a misnomer, as many of the bloggers in Kati's circle are not teenagers, and write content with substance.)

Let me allow you to eavesdrop on a recent Sunday afternoon conversation between Kati (Teeny Bopper), Kristin (Young Mom), and me (Grandmother).

Kristin:  Everywhere I look, people are talking about Les Misérables. 
Me:  I don't think I've seen anyone mention it on the blogs I read.
Kati:  I may not have seen much about Les Mis, but I sure did see a lot about The Hobbit!
Kristin:  I haven't seen anything about the Hobbit.
Me:  Deanna is the only one in my circle who blogged about The Hobbit.  But ALL the grandmothers are talking about Downton Abbey!  

(We are, aren't we?)

Do you find yourself in a "circle"?  


  1. I think you're pretty on target about this, though I have seen posts on
    Les Mis, and I do have some younger blogger friends, but for the most part, we do find more camaraderie with those at our life stage.

  2. Well I hope to see both Les Mis and The Hobbit before they leave the theaters, but I'm such a grandmother that I don't want to be in a closed in theater with a bunch of sick folks just now. And I do love Downton Abbey, though I'm not feeling so fond of Julian Fellowes just now.

    This post is very amusing. I do know this, I am more comfortable in blogs discussing ideas and books and DIY and faith and food. I am not very comfortable in blogs discussing fashion or exercise. ☺

    (And I have worried about visiting Kati and the younger bloggers just because I am such a grandmama. I wouldn't want them to feel uncomfortable.)

    1. You don't make me feel uncomfortable! I read blogs in all three of the categories. :)

    2. I do to Kati, but I guess I am more of a grandmother blog writer and reader though I do have young children still! Cheryl, you and I transcend category!

      Fun post!

  3. Oh, yes! I "run" in circles, too :)

  4. I saw Les Miz on Broadway many many years ago. I don't often venture to movies. We had a bed bug epidemic a couple of years back in certain movie theatres, so I am very very leery and drive my friends crazy, bringing Lysol with me and spraying everything down, etc. I really want to see Lincoln, and I have never watched Downton Abbey. I watch a few other shows that are on at that time, but I may have to check it out. And I read grandma blogs,a couple of mommy blogs, cooking, diy, decor, artsy, random like me, so many good bloggers. But some touch my heart, like you and Kati, Vee, a few others. ;-) xo

  5. I have some new friends that are very young bloggers, so I try to diversify.
    But I have no male blogger friends! So that definitely is a circle thing!
    I do check Kati's blog regularly for great recipes.

  6. I'm definitely in the young mom category, but I'd choose Downton Abbey over Les Mis or The Hobbit any day :) I was an emotional wreck Sunday night.

    1. Allyson, we were too! We all just sat there in stunned silence (aside from a few sniffles)!
