Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Note Card Party: Cozy Candlelight

love to light a candle (or two...or three) to add some cozy cheer to a cold, gray day.  In fact, I often squirrel away a few candles to be ready for the winter months.  Truth is, though, that I light candles almost every day in three out of four seasons. Or when we have company. Or at holiday time. Or with a cup of afternoon tea. 

There is just something warm and welcoming about cozy candlelight!

Cozy candlelight on a winter's eve...

Cozy candlelight in the kitchen...

Candlelight on the party table...

Candlelight on a rainy day...

Do you have a blog?
Then you can join this month's party over at Vee's Haven!
Come on's lots of fun!

(Click the button for details.)
A Haven for Vee


  1. Ahhh...the cozy candlelight collection! I love it and can think of so many times to use this set of note cards. Print them off!

  2. Cheryl, what a warm and cozy set of note cards...I just feel like curling up with a nice cup of tea and gaze through that rainy
    window pane! I love candles too...anytime, anywhere...they add so much to any room! Beautiful images!

  3. It's fun to think of your eyes as you saw a scene and grabbed your camera to capture it. I really love the rainy window but I like your kitchen pic too. A nice cover for your box of cards --- you should print these.

  4. I love candles and use them a lot, too. This is a wonderful collection for note cards, the second one is my favorite. Love the box top, too!

  5. Candlelight and tea, candlelight and cupcakes...what could be better? I really like your notecards, Cheryl, and I absolutely adore your blog header too!

  6. Your beautiful Note Cards really resonate with me Cheryl.
    Candles are one of my favorite things too!
    Just like you, I light candles whenever friends are here and many times in between!
    With my daughter living in France I always light a candle - it's my symbol that she and her family are here with us - in spirit!

    For me, each card says 'home, warmth and love' nourishment for the heart!
    I love them all and I would love to buy a set.

  7. Your note cards are so warm and comforting, Cheryl. I'm like you in enjoying the soft glow of candlelight. I love your pretty box top, too.

  8. I adore candlelight and often have it on my breakfast table as well as all thru the day. ;)
    I love your cards...just beautiful.

  9. Beautiful candlelit photos. Are you on Pinterest? You definitely need to upload these. xo

  10. Very cozy indeed! I so enjoy candlelight...

  11. I love lots of pretty candles, too. They add so much warmth to our homes in the winter months. Great selections for cards and I love your box top!

  12. This is a lovely set! What a great idea for a theme!

  13. These are beautiful to me. My favorite one of all is that last one with the drizzly rain on the window. That's so serene and warm. I love it.

    I am so glad I checked back to see if anyone had come after me at the party. I thought for sure I would be the last one in the door. So glad I checked! These are pretty!

  14. Simply lovely! I thoroughly enjoyed your photos :) Have a blessed weekend!

  15. Very pretty, Cheryl. I always love your photos.
