Thursday, February 6, 2014

"Make It New Monday"...on a Thursday

A few years ago, I was in a little downtown boutique that had some darling hand-painted wooden picture frames. The cut-outs for the frames were asymmetrical and the colors were cheery.  Some were polka dot, some striped, some stars, some lettered. The prices were not so darling, and I wasn't really looking for such a thing, but I filed the idea away.  

When I saw this frame on clearance at Target a couple of years ago, I thought of the frames from the boutique. I wondered if I could take this one and make it over. In case you can't see the price in the photo below, the cost was $2.48! I thought it was worth a try. 

But the frame sat on a shelf in my laundry room for a l-o-n-g time.

Then my friend Joanne began a new monthly blog feature in which she would take something and "make it new." So last week, I pulled that frame off of the shelf and ~voila!~ I made it new!

Here's what I did...

1) I lightly sanded the frame to rough up the surface a bit.
2) I painted the frame with several (4?) coats of white acrylic craft paint.
3) I used painter's tape to make some stripes, then painted between the tape with a bright aqua acrylic.
4) After giving it a couple of hours to dry, I Bekah carefully removed the tape.
5) I wanted to add some buttons to give it some interest, but my buttons were either too small or not the color I wanted.
6) While I was washing my hair, Bekah came up with a button design and we glued it on.

So for $2.48 and some craft supplies already in my stash, I have a new frame for Bekah's room!

Do like to make things new? Adapt a recipe to meet your family's preferences? Remake old clothing into something snazzy? Rework an idea to make it your own? Then maybe you'd like to pop over to Joanne's the first Monday of each get some inspiration or to link up your own project! (And this month, she's offering a giveaway to a commenter!)  

My Not-So-Empty Nest


  1. Good morning! I am totally impressed! The "new" frame is really pretty! Such a good idea. I love to gather sewing scrapes and make something new. There's just something about it. I am off to check out this blog you spoke of. Enjoy your day!

  2. So very cute! I love simple makeovers that make a statement! Thanks for linking up, Cheryl.

  3. Don't you just love making something "new" out of something you already have? I made a pair of "new" earrings yesterday just using old jewelry that I had. Free earrings! Your "new" frame is very pretty and the picture even better. Blessings, Sharon D.

  4. You totally changed it up! Looks so cute. Somehow, I'd fail this quiz for if they asked me which frame would be in your home with the photo of the grands, I'd have said the first. Since it's in Bekah's room, I can definitely see the last. Wonderful reinvention!

  5. Cute! And fun, too!
    Nice job, Cheryl.

  6. This has totally inspired me. I see frames like this at the thrift store all the time and ever thought about painting over the words. This is brilliant, can't wait to try it myself

  7. Love the re-do on the frame! It is so much fun to use what is around to make something new!

  8. Wow! You greatly improved the frame, Cheryl! xo

  9. Such a great makeover! Love it.

  10. I really like your makeover, Cheryl! Great job!

  11. That turned out so cute! I've seen those frames too. Amazing how much they want you to pay for these kinds of things!


  12. Very cute! I love to paint things I get from the thrift store especially picture frames!

  13. Great job! Love that blue color.

  14. Very cute and whimsical. A great bargain made so much better!
