Monday, February 3, 2014

Sunday Snapshots: Before the Game

We were invited to Brian and Kristin's house again this Sunday. Brian wanted to be at home in plenty of time to watch the Super Bowl, so we went to them

Brian is such a good sport (pun intended) about sports. He married into a family of non sports fans. We don't "have a team" or know who the players are. The only time we get really revved up over sports is when a big sports event preempts our beloved Jeopardy. (Boo hiss.) So when Brian wants to watch a game, we are more than willing to accommodate his wishes. 

Poor us, huh? Let me show you how we suffered today...

Oh, how we suffered.

And the smiles never left our faces.


  1. Pitiful. Just pitiful.
    Seriously, though, I enjoy seeing pictures of how much your family loves to spend time together. In a world of broken and minimally functioning families, we need to see joy. Often!

  2. Family so cute, food so beautifully photographed! I need to take lessons. We did not watch the game; however, the grands are thrilled today. They had their knickers in a knot over the Broncos beating the Pats so, in a fit of pique, went with the Seahawks. At least, my Pacific Northwest blogging buddies are celebrating today.

  3. Looks like a fun time for sure! Growing up my family was not much for sports...goodness knows I wasn't. But when I married a former Nebraska football player, all that changed, haha. Every one of our kids is as into sports as their daddy (guess that gene must have been dominate, lol) I thought when my 4th child, a girl, was born that I would FINALLY have one on my side, but NOPE, total tomboy and sports girl, played all the way through college, lol. Now she is into football as the guys. But it has become fun for me too...kind of, lol. I do enjoy the big games. We are Charger fans, and my daughter is a staunch New England fan, so don't have to guess who we were rooting for. yay! Seahawks. Enjoy your day!

  4. Aren't the little ones better than watching TV--never a dull moment--in constant motion. All that energy--wish they could share it with us "old folks".
    Wonderful that your family shares such good times together. Like Kati's new hairdo. Blessings, Sharon D.

  5. It's always fun seeing your beautiful family having fun together. Looks like a great day for everyone with lots of yummy food! I didn't last long watching the game, it was too painful for those of us wanting the Broncos to win. :)

  6. Glad you could be entertained and join in the fun in your own way. Our group never left the T.V. room except for necessities. For the first time ever we even watched the after shows. Football isn't our favorite sport (soccer is) but we joined in the spirit and rejoiced and continue to rejoice with those who rejoice... My hubby is not a sports fan at all and he watched most of the game this time.

  7. Good for you, another beautiful Sunday. It was a good game, i can say this in all sincerity as I was rooting for neither, not a sports fan either. But I think deep down I was secretly rooting for the Sea Hawks. It was their 1st, and they have the 1st deaf player. xo

  8. What a terrible day you had! I especially love your last photograph:)

  9. Great photos! We are the same, just a vague interest but not enough to endure the game! I guess I'm thankful my husband is not such a fan so I don't have to endure those long intense (sometimes) games. hope you are having a good start to the week!

  10. Haha, I think that young one's batteries were fully charged!
