Friday, March 21, 2014

Gran With a "G"

I had tucked a little pack of monogrammed note cards in with my granddaughter Eve's Christmas gift when her family visited in November. "Eve," I said, "if you'll write a note to me, I will write one back to you." 

Eve (6): Do you have one with your letter on it? 
Me: No, I don't. Maybe I'll have to get some cards with a "C" on them.  
Eve: No, you need cards with a "G" on them, because I call you "Gran." 

So I bought some "G" cards to use when I write to Eve. 

"Gran" is a great name.


  1. LOVE!

    That is precious!

    You are so inspiring to me as a grandmother!


  2. LOVE this....I think I need some
    "G" cards too. Enjoy your week-end!

  3. Gran is a wonderful name. So is Nana. Love this.

  4. Adorable! Love the sheep in your header photo, BTW. xo

  5. It is! Have you received some notes? I see a few with an "e."

  6. How delightful of you! I love those kind of conversations.
    And the phrase you dropped into my heart this week..."forging ahead with joy"....

  7. I love that your grandaughter is writing to her gran! Snail mail is always welcome and takes the sting out of grands that live far away. ♥

  8. That is precious. And yes, gran is THE greatest! Hurrah for the encouragement of snail mail. In years to come you can both pull out the old letters and remember... E-mail and facebook... gone!

    Just reading through old posts and wanted to say... LOVE your bedroom. The red and white wingback wants to visit Oregon I think. ;)

    Blessings, Debbie

  9. Special notes between a girl and her Gran. How heartwarming! I love being a Grandma.

  10. Precious! Yes Gran is a great name.

  11. Love this! I write to my granddaughter occasionally and have finally had one back in her 5 year old handwriting! It's nice that we can help these kiddos learn about the "art of a handwritten letter." :-) (Fading quickly we know. )

  12. There is something so 'grand' about the name 'Gran' :) and yes, I agree, you SHOULD have a notecard with a 'G' on front!

  13. How cute....little notes for your little gal. I'll bet she loves them.

  14. Love this soo much. I think the art of a hand wrtten note is fading fast and we need to encourage it. I've got 4 soon to be grands in TX and send handmade cards to them all the time - they've sent a few back too.

    You go Gran!!!

