Monday, March 10, 2014

Sunday Snapshots: A Ninetieth Birthday Party!

We have had a string of Sunday afternoons in which we have not done our usual thing. We have had all sorts of out of the ordinary events, including a baby shower, sickness, an out of town wedding sickness, and a birthday party. 

Yesterday, we attended a ~90th~ birthday celebration for Ron's uncle! His children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren honored him with a lovely surprise party (he was truly surprised!), and the room was filled with family and friends and good food and festive decorations. There were games, old and new photos in a slide show, music, words of wisdom, and a few (happy) tears. Uncle Paul is still healthy, active, and keen, and attributes at least some of his mental acuity to daily word search puzzles. He is quick to tell you, though, that the Lord has blessed him!

Even to your old age, I am He, and even to gray hairs I will carry you!
I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry you, and will deliver you. 
Isaiah 46:4


  1. How cool is that?! Ron's uncle is making 90 look great!

  2. Well it looks like we were both at a 90th celebration this past weekend. Happy birthday to Ron's uncle!

  3. Ron's uncle looks happy to be surprised! What a celebration.

  4. He looks great for 90. Word puzzles! And I bet he has a good attitude and outlook on life!

  5. I agree with Vee! 90 is the new 70! xo

  6. What a wonderful thing to do. He looks so very happy to be celebrated!

  7. Bro Paul Scarborough looks great for his age and an so does his lovely wife Hazel.They seem to never age in their looks. They certainly have been blessed with such fine family.
