Saturday, April 5, 2014

A Weekend Chat

The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and we are smiling here at our house!

Although at times it seemed it would never get here, Kati's surgery was Thursday morning. Her ornery gall bladder is now a thing of the past! She had a good deal of pain and nausea after the surgery and it was decided that she should stay at the hospital overnight. But we all arrived home yesterday afternoon and she is improving day by day.

Today, we all took our lunch out to the patio (we didn't linger...the wind was chillier than we thought!) and Kati and I took a walk down our long lane to the mailbox. It feels so good to be moving ahead.

So many of you have told me that you were praying for Kati during these past six weeks and it warms this mama's heart to know that you were concerned.

Thank you for your prayers! I know that "the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." (James 5:16) 

While Kati was in the hospital, Bekah stayed at her big sister Kristin's house, taking some school work along to do during the time that her niece and nephews would be doing their own school work. Knowing that Kristin had planned some fun things for all the kids to do during the two days that Bekah would be there, I said to Bekah, "While Kati's having surgery, you're going to have a little vacay!"

"A vacay with school," Bekah replied. 

Schoolwork notwithstanding, they had a great time together with outings and in-ings and special treats. And Bekah was able to avoid the whole hospital scene, which suited her germaphobe self to a T.

Back at home, she went into caretaker mode. She went out and picked a daffodil for Kati's tray, and is happy to do her bidding. (One of her jobs is keeping Pinky from trying to climb onto Kati's lap. Ouch!)

Speaking of vacay, Ron took off Thursday and Friday, and is on vacation this coming week too. Our grand plans for the week are to paint our bedroom and to do some yard work. I really don't like yard work in the summer heat, but in the spring, it is invigorating.

Most of the green in the picture is weeds.
Our herb garden took a beating this winter. Plants that have wintered over for years did not survive this brutal winter. My very large rosemary plant died. The thyme that I got from a friend twenty-five years ago did not make it. The oregano from the same friend is hanging on for dear life, with only a few green edges on a large (mostly brown now) plant. The marjoram, also barely hanging on. The chives thrived, as did my least favorite plant in the herb garden, rue. I only keep it because it is food for the large number of swallowtail caterpillars that feast on it each summer. It lives, so the caterpillars will dine sumptuously again this year. 

So the herb garden needs an overhaul. Trees need trimming. The beds need mulch. Maybe we'll get some of it done during this week of working vacation. Or maybe we'll go get ice cream.

April is shaping up to be a busy month of celebrations. On successive weekends we have Bekah's 13th birthday, Resurrection Sunday, and a baby shower for my niece. Lots of family time! Lots of celebrating! Blessings abound! 


  1. So happy that Kati's surgery is over and she is on the mend. I need to do a tremendous amount of yard work myself, or perhaps hire someone else to do it! lol. I am glad that April is full of lovely things for you and your family. xo

  2. Oh...that's good news about Kati. So glad things are improving day by day and that you have nice enough weather to eat outside! I know you'll enjoy your April celebrations!

  3. How happy to hear that Kati is home and recuperating from her surgery. We have been doing the same garden tasks you speak of. I'm sad that my large years old rosemary did not make our winter either. But it is lovely to enjoy the sunshine and budding trees about to burst into bloom. ♥

  4. So glad that things are getting back to normal for you. You have had a time these last few months. Can't wait to see the pics of the "new" bedroom. My yard needs so much work right now I walk outside and close my eyes. I did get the deck ready for spring flower planting today.

  5. Awww what a sweet smile! So glad that this is behind Kati. Phew!

    Now you're painting a bedroom and replanting! Never a quiet moment. I am sorry that the winter was so harsh that it took plants with so much meaning. Thank goodness for chives! They make it through anything.

    A germaphobe nurse would make a great character for a novel. =D

  6. Yay for Kati being home and on the mend!
    I lost my big, beautiful rosemary bush this year, too. I was quite upset since it was so full and lovely in its place.
    Your girls are so good to each other. May it always be so!

  7. So glad that the unfortunate gall bladder is gone and that Kati is doing well. I don't blame her about the germaphobe aspect. When I was in the hospital at the end of the year, I wouldn't let anyone come into the room without using a Clorox wipe to clean their hands before touching anything AND also used them to wipe down my tray thoroughly. They say so many germs are lingering around hospital rooms. Pretty scary, when you think of it! Have a blessed Lord's Day.

  8. Such great relief to have the surgery over and done with and Kati home to recover. I pray she'll soon feel back to normal.
    I'm glad the snow is gone and the ground is warming up so that you will be able to get out there in the yard. Sorry about the herb losses. It was a tough winter.

  9. So glad Kati's surgery is behind her, praying for quick recovery.

  10. You sound much "lighter" in this post! So thankful with you that it all went well! Now on to a full recovery!

  11. I am so glad Kati is doing so well, she looks wonderful! Like you, April is getting to be very busy for us, birthday celebrations and work.I too have been working in my herb garden and like you my Rosemary didn't survive.
    Thanks for sharing.

  12. I'm so glad Kati's surgery went well and that she's back home. Hopefully, the weather will warm up so she can recover while sitting out in the sunshine with a good book.

  13. So glad to hear that Kati is doing so well. Still praying for her. Even with schoolwork, being away is a vacay to me.

  14. It is good to see Kati looking well and I hope she heals quickly. This cannot be an easy trial for a young girl.

  15. I am so glad to hear that Kati is on the mend!
