Monday, April 28, 2014

Sunday Snapshots: A Baby Shower

Yesterday, the ladies of our family honored my beautiful niece, Amy, with a baby shower.

But the guest of honor was upstaged by her darling daughter Isabel who delighted us all...

...and also by Frank who really wanted those ribbons. Really. He did.

And now we excitedly await the arrival of the new little one! Soon...very soon...


  1. How sweet that wee girlie is! She'll be a big sister!

    Sweet of you to host a shower for her!


  2. Looks like such a nice shower. Love all the polka dots!

  3. How fun! A new baby is always a reason to celebrate :)I also LOVE the polka dots.

  4. I love it when a toddler steals the show. They are so funny and so charming and just make everyone giggle with their cuteness. Exciting times for your family!

  5. Judging from the pink lanterns and gift wrap, can we assume it is a baby girl? Wishing your niece and your family all the best! Cupcakes look awesome, too. Did 1-800-katibakes make them? ;-). xo

  6. There's just nothing like anticipating a new little one to enter the world. Looks like a lovely shower!

  7. What fun! The little one is so cute! Love the polka dots and colors. And, of course, kitty wants the ribbon to play with!

  8. Oh, how sweet! That cupcake looks sooooooo good and I love the sweet little polka dots.

  9. Lovely shower, the color pattern looked great!
