Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Kristin, my oldest daughter, has expanded and revised the eBook she wrote and published last June! It is the Summer Reading Guide for Families: 2014 Edition and is the compilation of book suggestions and reviews, all from an avid reader and experienced mom. I have already added a few titles to our own summer book list! 

Are you reading to a child or grandchild this summer? Simply click the picture below (the one with my sweet granddaughter Alaine!), and you can get the link for your FREE download. (Yes, it's FREE!)

Kati, my middle daughter, is beginning a Photo-a-Day challenge for the month of June. There is only one rule: Using the prompts she has provided, simply take a photo each day. It's that simple. She is also providing a link-up if you'd like to share your photos. 

I have already started taking my photos which I will share collectively once per week. It's up to you if you publish, where you publish, how often you publish.

Click the image below for details and the link-up.

Bekah, my youngest daughter, has started her own blog! She enjoys photography and wanted to participate in Kati's Photo-a-Day challenge, so here she is...at Note By Note.

Joanne, not my daughter but a dear friend, blogs at My Not-So-Empty Nest where she writes about her faith, the antics of her twin grandsons, health, and gardening. 

She also shares thrifty makeover projects in her monthly feature, Make it NEW Monday! This week, I am linking our recent bedroom update. Why don't you pop over and see what Joanne has done with some old wooden boxes this month? If you have done a recent makeover of your own, go ahead and link!

My Not-So-Empty Nest


  1. Your daughters are all taking after their mama!

  2. Good for them. I'm putting Kati's photos challenge into my feedly...

  3. Imagine my surprise! Thanks for the recommendation. May be my cue to get back to some actual writing? As God leads...
    You are such a treasured friend <3

  4. I just love all your girls! Books and photographs!

    And I spent a bit of time on Joanne's blog, too! Those twins are adorable!

    Thanks for all the recommendations!


  5. You've got them all rounded up now. Love Bekah's photography and will be sure to let her know when I participate at Kati's this Saturday. I made sure to update the link for Kristin's summer reading list at Pinterest.

  6. You've got them all rounded up now. Love Bekah's photography and will be sure to let her know when I participate at Kati's this Saturday. I made sure to update the link for Kristin's summer reading list at Pinterest.

  7. It's been that kind of a day...

  8. More photographers to join in on the wonderful hobby - great! I'd love to participate in the photo challenge, but life is just too crazy and there is no telling when or if it will ever get back to normal. How grand that Kati is coordinating a challenge and Bekah is joining in.
