Monday, September 8, 2014

An End and a Beginning

The end of summer...

Following a week that was probably the hottest, most humid of the summer, yesterday was patio-perfect. We bid adieu to summer with two tubs of homemade ice cream.

Kati has some great ice cream party photos in  this post.

...and the beginning of autumn.

Today was our first day back to (home)school, the mercury didn't reach seventy, Kati made granola, and we made a run for printer ink and pumpkin spice iced coffees. Feels like autumn to me!

Where are you? Hanging on to summer for a few more days? Or stepping into autumn? 


  1. I want Bekah's donut!! We celebrated the cooler temps by cooking a meal in the oven without sweating. :-) I also prepared some applesauce in the crockpot and several of the kids commented (on their own at different times) how the house smelled like fall.

  2. I'm stepping into Autumn - the children were out collecting buckeyes and pulled out the fall decorations this evening, the weather is cooling a bit - I'm ready for a big pot of chili and jumping in the leaves!

  3. I'm still hanging on to Summer. Three weeks ago I finished sewing a quilt wall hanging with summer colors, so I want to enjoy seeing it a few more weeks (technically we have 2 more weeks)!

  4. Up until this past week, I wasn't minding summer all that much. But now I am really looking forward to fall!

    Happy 8th Grade Day to Bekah (and you, too, Cheryl)!

  5. After the last couple of days, i am thinking of getting my freezer stocked with homemade soups and chili for the cooler months.

  6. Ice cream - yum! I've gotten my fall decorating done. Just a few changes here and there. And we got two big pots of mums for the front porch. Yesterday, we made chicken gumbo soup. Now we are waiting on some cooler temperatures!

  7. Looks like you're embracing autumn with a great attitude! This is the first year I've not looked forward to it, and I think that's because last year we had such a dreadful winter. It killed apple and plum trees that we've had for years, and winter lasted so long. Maybe if I make a pumpkin cheesecake I'll feel better. LOL

  8. Making home made ice cream seems like the perfect way to bid adieu to Summer! Glad you are cooling down a bit. I'm always ready to say goodbye to summer. We're suppose to heat up again at the end of the week. I'll be in Southern California over the weekend and I do hope it's not too hot there. Have a lovely week!

  9. I am so ready for Autumn! It may be awhile before we get cool temps but I am going to start decorating!

  10. After last week's high temps and humidity, I'm enjoying cooler weather this week. I made a big pot of ham soup with a leftover ham bone from summer. It tastes so good with the homemade bread my grandson and I made. ♥

  11. I'm usually quick to release summer. But we have one last summer hurrah planned this week, so I'm trying to ignore the pumpkins and mums at the grocery store...and the golden sunlight. Nope. It's not happening yet. It's not. Late Saturday night, it can, but not yet. ;-)

  12. I'm hanging on to summer, canning tomatoes and salsa with plans for peaches and beet pickles. Hurry, hurry the calender says. Such bounty won't last!
    Your autumn is starting out well.
