Saturday, September 13, 2014

Personal Photo Challenge {Movement}

This month's Personal Photo Challenge was twice the challenge for me. First of all, I was challenged to learn more about capturing movement in photography and putting that into practice. The second challenge was to do that without my trusty 18-55 mm lens. Oh no!! This lens, the one that I have used the most, is not focusing reliably, and I never know when it will take the shot or not.  Very frustrating. I suppose I will need to look into having it repaired. 

In the meantime, I used a lens that came with my old 35 mm Canon Rebel, a 35-80 mm lens. It's not as good for close-ups, but it did the trick for these action shots. 

(All photos were taken with my Canon Rebel T3.)

I used Bekah as my assistant. I had her ride her bike round and round as I clicked. "Go faster, please." "A little closer." "Can you ride any faster?" "Again, please." She's a good sport! And her front tire was slack, so she was really putting forth some effort to accommodate. I was lying on my belly in the back yard taking pictures when Ron arrived home from work. "You never know what you're going to see here," he says. (Like he's the only man who has ever come home to his wife lying in the back yard while his daughter rides in circles?! Oh, come on!)

I edited this photo in PicMonkey, increasing both highlights and shadow, and cropping for focus. 

One morning recently, I looked out of my back door and saw a mysterious thing in the bird bath. It appeared motionless, meaning it was not a bird. A snake getting a drink? A frog? Why was it still sitting there?

Needing to know what kind of creature was in my bird bath, I put on my glasses. Still couldn't tell. I couldn't remember where the binoculars were, so I ingeniously (ha!) grabbed my camera and gingerly stepped out of my backdoor. I thought that I'd photograph the creature, then zoom in on the image and identify it. Unfortunately, the close-up was fuzzy. But it looked like it might be a grasshopper. Okay, that's good. I'm not afraid of them. 

While I was hyper-focused on my bird bath mystery, something suddenly buzzed over my head! After the adrenaline rush (you can tell I'm a true nature girl, can't you?), I saw that it was merely a hummingbird coming for her breakfast. And since I had my camera, and since the upcoming challenge was "movement," I bravely turned my back on the bird bath creature and took some shots of Mrs. H. B. 

(The bird bath creature remained motionless. Kati went out later and identified it as...a leaf. How embarrassing.) 

Again, I went to PicMonkey to edit. I cropped the image and increased the shadows. 

Thanks to Donna for hosting another photography challenge! 
Next month's challenge is Still Life. (Maybe I should have taken some close-ups of that leaf, huh?)

Click on the button below to see more.
And be sure to visit Donna to see how she met her own challenge this month! Wow!
A Personal Photo Challenge


  1. Talk about a God-breeze! He knew exactly what it would take to get you out there and ready for that hummingbird capture! It is gorgeous. And the bike story was so funny that I read it aloud to John. We're chuckling over Ron's comment. Can you imagine the stories bloggers' kids are going to tell one day? Ha!

  2. I thought your story about your husband coming home was hilarious! Oh, the things us photographers do to get the shot...

    The bike movement is dynamic and colorful. Kudos to Bekah for his ready assistance! The low perspective really makes the composition work. And it's no wonder that you added a hummingbird photo. The little birds are very busy this time of year, trying to build up their reserves for the long commute down south for the winter. Love the framing of the shot and the red feeder gives a bright, colorful pop to the scene. Great job, Cheryl!

  3. Hi Cheryl, I can just see you on the ground taking photos, the things we will do to get that right photo for our blog, I also have been on the ground to get just that right shot. I keep telling myself that I need to join some of the photo challenges, but just haven't found the time It as been so busy and we have had many changes going on around here. so I apologize for not visiting this summer, just didn't have time for computer other than recipes. ~smile~ Enjoyed your post on the cabinet transformation, I did find the time to work on a china cabinet too! Great job!.
    Enjoy your weekend,

  4. Aha...a fellow belly! I do this all the time. One day, I may not be able to get back up! Cheryl, these are really great shots! Love spokes movement on the bicycle one and you captured that little hummer beautifully!

  5. Funny about the leaf, but a non- threatening experience told skillfully.
    Love your new banner.


  6. I LOVE that bike photo...
    excellent photo of the little hummer.

  7. Great shots!

    That story about Ron is funny. It's amazing what we'll do for a photo isn't it? Bekah is a good sport too!


  8. I enjoyed your story of the birdbath creature, and your photo's. Thanks.


  9. Glad Bekah didn't swerve and flatten you, haha!
    Nice shot and, like the others, it brought a giggle - my problem is when I lie in the grass I can't get up again - the old bod prefers to remain vertical I guess!

    Hummers are popular in this month's challenge - I'm enjoying the photos people are sharing as I've only seen one come by my porch all Summer this year.

    Happy day -

  10. Always nice to have an obliging subject for the photo challenge. Both of your photos are great, especially the capture of the hummingbird. They were quite popular this month.

  11. Excellent story...of course who doesn't get on the ground and watch their went out to take pics of the birds that are USUALLY hanging around my feeder, do you think ONE would have shown up....noooooo....Great shots thought, I am glad the leaf didn't attack. I have a Magnolia tree in my yard and the leaves AND pods do attack! Thanks for the post!

  12. Must keep a close eye on those leaves. You never know when they're gonna getcha! Haha!

    Bekah was so very helpful. I imagine that nothing surprises Ron anymore when you've home schooled for as long as you have. All those experiments and whatnot, all for the sake of learning!

    Nice job on the photos. How fun when you get an unanticipated shot!

  13. What a fun post, I laughed a lot. From the belly to the still leaf to the diving hummingbird. I think you and I are about the same in the world of nature. Anyway, I like the bike shot, those wheel spokes sure show motion. Was your assistant riding only with one hand? I guess back in time I did that… and the humming bird is really excellent IMHO. Hope you have a good week!

  14. These are wonderful, Cheryl, and I especially love that hummingbird photo!!

  15. I laughed throughout the reading of this post. The things we bloggers will do for fodder! Great bicycle and bird captures.

  16. You got such a great angle on the bike! I love that one. It could be printed and framed! Enjoy your week! Hugs, Diane
