Saturday, November 22, 2014

Moving On...

At September's end, I told you that our faraway family had big changes on the horizon and would be relocating to a place much nearer to us.

Photo by Sarah

Well, this was the week!!

Last Sunday, I drove Ron to the airport and he flew to Maine to help with the move. 

Did you remember what I told you in July? That there was a new baby coming in autumn?!

So the moving date and the due date were kind of at the same time.

Just so you know, Ryan's employer moved them. The nine-months-pregnant mama did not have to pack boxes or haul furniture or load a truck! But, they still had to get themselves and two vehicles from one home to another and that's where Ron came in. He drove one of the vehicles and (this was important!) was another adult just in case Baby should arrive en route!

Need I say that lots of prayers have gone up for this family over the past months, weeks, and days? 

As of last night, the "moving" part of the adventure is over. Ryan and family are in their new home, Ron is back at home with us, and Kristin and Brian (who went to fetch Ron) are home too.

Photo stolen from Kristin's blog...
Back row, L to R: Daughter-in-law Sarah and Baby Boy; daughter Kristin, son Ryan, Ron
Front row, L to R: grandchildren Eve (7), Nora (5), and Peter (3)

The "new baby" part is not over yet...but it has to be soon! 

Oh, how grateful we are for a safe and uneventful trip! How grateful we are that our Father knows this Little One and has planned the time and place of his birth! 

"Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them."
Psalm 139:16

Lord of all, to Thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise! 


  1. Ron looks like he's headed off to college :-)
    So very pleased to hear that they made it to their new home without a side trip to the hospital!

  2. So thankful God's plan didn't involve baby being born enroute! I'm thrilled for you all that they are so much closer than they have been for so many years!


  3. So much to be thankful, Cheryl. And even if the baby had been born at the side of the road (as a friend of mine recently gave birth!), our Lord is watching over. Nothing escapes his love and care of his children. So glad your family has moved closer. What a blessing that is!!

  4. All's welll...ahhhhhh. Praise The Lord!

  5. PTL that all went well and that they are so much closer to you all now and all in God's perfect timing. Praying for a safe delivery of a healthy little on!

  6. I guess there's one grandma heaving a big sigh of relief and giving thanks to our heavenly Father who does ALL things well.

  7. Happy Days! Glad that little guy held off coming until after the move. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving

  8. Whoa, that has got to be stressful but it is good to see her looking so happy and well. I know you must be thrilled. BlessingS!

  9. So glad to hear that the move went well. You had much to hold in your heart before the Lord during these days. Thanks be to God!

  10. So glad to hear it all went well. And now we'll watch for news of a new baby on the scene.

    Hugs and Happy Thanksgiving week!

  11. So glad to hear that all went well! Sounds like you have even more to be thankful for this year! Looking forward to hearing baby news soon!
