Monday, December 8, 2014

Weekend Snapshots: Meeting Paul

We made a quick trip this weekend to meet our new grandson Paul! 

We are thrilled to be able to do such a thing after so many years of too much distance between us. This time around, we were able to love on this baby before he was even two weeks old...and we anticipate many happy visits with this dear family, both here and there. 

Excuse the bedhead (mine), but this is one of my favorite pictures from the weekend. Ron snapped this photo of Paul peeking over my shoulder. Oh my goodness.

Yes, we are in love.

Good times...

Cutest. Cowboy. Ever.

I brought Hugs in a bag. But you had to give a real hug to get one. 
Smart Gran move, huh? I got some extra hugs over the weekend.

 Of course, my son sent me this picture after we got home...

Watching YouTube videos of roller coasters. 
(It's cheaper!) 

Family of six!

If your children are good parents, being a grandparent is a great job! 

Our grandparent job actually began twelve years ago today, for today our very first grandson, Gavin, celebrates his 12th birthday! What a blessing he is! 

We thank the Lord for each one of these blessings, these grandchildren of ours...from the oldest (Gavin) to the youngest (Paul) and every one in between (Maddie, Owen, Eve, Ben, Nora, Alaine, and Peter)! 


  1. Oh how fun! Soo glad you were able to go and meet this newest family member. What a sweet little guy! How blessed you are!

  2. Oh how sweet and precious...have needed this! Love Bekah's kiss and the peek over the shoulder and the little sister's pride in her baby brother as she holds him up for review. A gal could weep... So glad that your son and his family are close enough for a visit.

    Your Hugs idea is one I am going to employ. I am not above bribery and it has come to this. I requested hugs last time I saw the boys and somehow they both wound up on the floor. Sigh, Yes, that is how I show my love by wrestling them right to the ground. =D

  3. Oh my..what a precious little guy who looks like he is getting some lovin' from everyone! How blessed you must be feeling! And Happy Birthday to grandson #1!!

  4. We have a picture of my dad with every grandchild peeking over his shoulder like that.
    You are truly blessed. What a wonderful fun loving family.
    Good idea with the hugs....I'm a hugger too. They all come in and give me the best hugs...even their friends. They say, "Grandma's a hugger. "
    Have a wonderful day,

  5. This makes me so happy! I am rejoicing with you! I love Ron's happy smile holding Paul and Bekah's too! Cute grandkids! I know you are so proud of them all! And all their parents!


  6. Lovely photos of your family celebrating a new addition. Grands are just the best! ♥

  7. I'll bet the trip to Ryan's seemed almost nothing compared to the trips you've made in the past, 'specially when there is a baby waiting to be held at the end of the drive. He's gorgeous, just like his siblings!

    (Ryan is a funny fellow!)

    Happy Birthday to the guy who made you a Grandmother!

  8. You are blessed! Happy Birthday to your grandson!

  9. So wonderful they are closer to you now!!! A blessed woman indeed, such a sweet beautiful family!!! tammy

  10. What a happy time you had with your sweet family.

    Congrats to all of you ~ FlowerLady

  11. Happy birthday to Gavin and happy BIRTH day to Paul. What a blessing from God! His blessings never cease.

  12. The newest addition to your family is so sweet! You have a beautiful family and I know you are glad to have them all closer to you for visiting. Lovely photos!

  13. Oh my, what a cutie. What a beautiful family you have all round. Thanks for sharing your joy with us.

  14. Precious baby Paul! Wonderful photos of everyone loving this new addition to your family.

  15. Paul is a handsome baby--he doesn't even look newborn. I know he was good sized! Great photos. Love the chocolate hugs--you have the best ideas. Your Christmas header is beautiful and I hope you are enjoying these days of anticipation of the advent.

    You have word verification on now, fyi. Seems things are a bit awry in blog land!

  16. My oldest grandchild is twelve but she turns THIRTEEN in February. How did that happen? Where did the time go?

    The newborn photos make me hope Mr. & Mrs. Christopher decide to have a baby soon. It has been four years since we have had a newborn to love on. Her mother doesn't have grandchildren, yet, so she is nudging them a lot more than I have!
