Monday, February 9, 2015

Sunday Snapshots: Conversation, Hearts, and Other Good Things

With all of the ugliness that is out there, it does the heart good to come inside, share uplifting conversation, good food, and time together. 

taco bar; Kristin's homemade salsa

"The Ultimate Chocolate Pie" (recipe in February issue of Southern Living) made by Bekah

Were you able to find good things in your weekend?


  1. Wow. . . that pie looks SOOO good! Bekah is becoming quiet the cook. Good for her (and you, too)!
    Everything looks so tasty. . makes me hungry for Tacos. Always enjoy seeing your Sunday family day. You make it look so easy! Blessings, Sharon D.

  2. I love how the photos of the family are simple and unposed. It shows the simplicity of living and enjoying life with each other. You all are making wonderful memories.The pie looks absolutely delicious BTW.

  3. You sure ate well. Looks like a good family time too. Hope you have a good week

  4. I am a huge fan of chocolate pie! Great job Bekah!

    I love the names on the cups. I agree that with all the hardship and pain in the world it is a joy to gather with our loved ones and wrap warmth and joy and love around them.


  5. Mmmm....all looks so tasty. I agree that family and home are the bright lights of our culture. I want some chocolate pie now but I'm on a pre-wedding diet.

  6. What a beautiful family day, Cheryl! Bekah's chocolate pie makes it extra sweet! ♥

  7. I'm grinning over the cup labels...Q T Pie...Q...ute!

    Yes, I did find some good things. I am using the "nevertheless" principle. It goes like this: it has snowed for three days; nevertheless, the hot chocolate tastes fine.

  8. Love your taco bar and that pie looks wonderful !

  9. We found lots of good things this weekend. The best was our sermon on Sunday and having communion. That pie looks delicious and I love the idea of a taco bar! Blessings!

  10. Heartwarming and family fun photos of loving interaction. The pie looks so good (as do those sweet potato muffins you posted a while ago) :)

  11. It's always such a treat to come by and be blessed by the glimpses of your family and your week-end! Pie looks yummy!

  12. Yummy pie! Love the ladybug picture. Love your perspective!

  13. Cute conversation heart cups! I'll be making Chocolate Chip pie for my "Q T Pie" this week.

  14. Wonderful snapshots of family fun - Dutch Blitz and all! The pie looks so yummy. Our weekend was filled with a fun neighbourhood party and a curling Bonspiel.

  15. Love the names on your cups. And yes, the chocolate pie looks good. The heart reminds me of the years we all sewed oversized puffy Christmas tree ornaments and the heart pattern looks just like yours. I still have a few. I should get the heart out for valentine's.

  16. Oh Yum! Chocolate Pie! Looks delicious. We had a good weekend celebrating a little boy's first birthday.
