Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Green, Cyber Woes, and a Homeschool Story

As beautiful as winter can be--the fresh whiteness, soft blankets of snow, the glitter of icicles, even the somber gray skies and landscape-- I am craving green. When I was in Marshalls last week, this little green (faux) plant called my name. I brought it home and set it in a yellow ware bowl, where its little green self reminds me that spring is coming.

Now I will whine talk a little about cyber woes.

1) I've had some lovely visitors here at Thinking About Home and I'd like to pop over to their place and visit them too. BUT...if these visitors have a Google+ account (I don't), it is next to impossible to find them! And even if I am able to find their blogs, I can't leave a comment because I would need to sign up for a Google+ account to do so. I find that very frustrating as I want to be a good neighbor. Has anyone else met the Google+ roadblock? 

2) For some reason, I am no longer getting all of my blog comments directed to my email. What is up with that? It is not just new commenters. There are folks with whom I have exchanged emails over and over again and suddenly, there they aren't! I have checked all of my blogger settings and they are the same, so why the change? 

3) Henrietta, poor girl. After recently replacing her hard drive, only to be dealing with more and more issues (Henrietta seems a bit hormonal...she is so temperamental!), I have decided that I won't sink any more money into hormone replacement therapy repairs. My new helper, Heloise, should arrive sometime this week. May we have a long and happy working relationship. 

Several days into March already, I am still working on Gathering the Moments of February. (Refer back to my discussion about computer woes.) 

I may have to wait for Heloise to help me. Henrietta keeps shutting down at the most inopportune times. Like when I have all of my chosen photos loaded into PicMonkey. ** Poof! ** And then they're gone again and I don't have the heart (or time) to start over. 

If you were a fly on the wall at our house, you might observe scenes like this...

Bekah is preparing for our homeschool History Fair. I am helping her to put the finishing touches on her presentation and I am teaching her methods of engaging her reader (listeners) with her opening paragraph...a question, a story, a quote, surprising statistic...

ME: So, Bekah, what do you want to do to get people's attention?
BEKAH: Wear a cute outfit. 

What's going on in your world today? More importantly, are you wearing a cute outfit? ~smile~


  1. Good morning! Well I don't know about "cute" but I am wearing one of my nice tops as I have a dentist appointment this afternoon. I don't think I can even explain my computer woes. I am just SOOO knowledgeable on this WHOLE subject that I don't even know what is what. I didn't even know you could get comments to go to your email so how is that? My new computer (which is well over year old so isn't really new) still has many things I haven't figured out and sooo many strange things happen I can't even really explain. It's all soo frustrating to me that's for sure, but I press on because let's face it what choice do I have? It's the world we live in. Have a GOOD day and may you and Heloise have many, many long years together!

  2. suppose to say UN-knowledgeable btw, lol. See what I mean?

  3. I know what you mean about the google+ accounts...sometimes there is a link to their blog, sometimes, not. And more and more I am finding the problems with comments not coming into my email or mine going to theirs...I don't understand what blogger is doing! :O Sorry you are having issue with Henrietta but it sounds like she is ready for...well...where ever old computers go to die...R.I.P old girl...there's a new girl coming on the scene! :)

  4. Cheryl, I love that you name your computer. So sorry to hear about the cyber-woes. I've had issues myself with mine. We spent a couple hours yesterday working on a problem. At least you know how to do all that makes a beautiful blog. I'm still learning about PicMonkey etc. One day I hope it all looks better. I understand about Google plus--it's an issue that makes it difficult to get in touch.
    By the way, I'm not looking "cute" today as it is house cleaning day. I've got on old sweatpants and an old top. I'm sure glad no one can see me! ♥

  5. Yes, I've run into the Google plus thing....never "joined" it 'cause I use Picasa for editing my photos and understand that it will share there all over Google if I join. Picasa is all I know and I like it. Really don't want to change.

    And re. the email.....I'm trying to figure out how to do that. I don't think ANY of my comment come or go to email.

    Keep us informed if you find out any solutions re. these or other tips :)

  6. Ha! That's a fun reply from Bekah!
    So sorry about Henrietta, so frustrating. I do hope Heloise will perform well for many years to come!

  7. Daffodils will be up soon!! I'm so ready for sun! And will you please remind me of this when summer comes along and I am singing the "it's sweltering out there" blues?

  8. I feel your pain (if you even get this comment). And google is just frustrating. But I do like Bekah's sense of humor, even if she was serious, we can smile!

  9. Well she wore a cute outfit in the sidebar pic and I noticed! Great start...truly! Ha.

    I have all the same blogging woes to a "t." Frustrating. I am glad that you are getting a new something...laptop? Yay for all the help we can get!

  10. That last bit left me smiling. :D I have not signed up to Google+ because new things care me, and now I'm hearing of more problems regarding that venue. I too have noticed some comments showing up on my blogger page that aren't coming thru my gmail account. ?
    I've said this before, but everything seems to run smoothly around here when the computer is working, and when it isn't all stops to fix it. Dependence issues!

  11. I know!! I am so upset with how Google+ has affected my blog. My handy dandy blogger woman, Jenn from Munchkinland, spent a lot of time trying to figure this out. She finally added a comment program for me, called Disqus. I am not very fond of it either, but at least people can leave comments now! Others on Facebook have said the same as you about notifications not coming to gmail. No one has a good answer as to why. My Gathering Moments post is coming out on Thursday. I cannot wait to read yours. Mine is more of a list of what I did rather than any type of reflection. Maybe I will get some ideas from you! Have a great Wednesday!

  12. The last bit between you and Bekah made me smile. I am not a member of google+, so I have the same problems with commenting as you and I had decided not to join because of the reasons Rebecca mentioned. I've been having some of the same issues with my comments and email....not sure what's up but it can be frustrating. Looking forward to your Gatherings

  13. Cute outfit...I wish! I know nothing about Google+ though I just did use google drive which is handy...but I don't want to learn new stuff if it isn't particularly useful. Welp, I sound curmudgeonly. I need to go to bed. haha Blessings sweet Cheryl.

  14. Haha. I just about spat out my coffee when reading the Bekah conversation. We have a teen granddaughter living with us and I can so relate to that!!

    Thanks for bringing up Google+ It is a nightmare!! I wish people would get rid of it. I've never heard of any benefits from it, and it makes it miserable for us to contact our Google+ commenters.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  15. Cute outfit? probably not. Computer woes? definitely. Promises of Spring? Yes!
    Thank you for making me smile today - what a wonderful way to start my day :) May your day and your weekend be blessed!

  16. Hi Cheryl! I am needing color and spring too! I bought a pretty blue/green purse this weekend and it just makes me smile. :-)

    I haven't ran into the Google+ problem because I have one. I don't do anything with it. :-) I have had lots of issues with not having a Facebook account though! :-)

    I read on a blog that the commenting problems, are people with aol and yahoo email accounts. I will find the post and send you a link. :-)

    I LOVE your daughter's comment! :-) :-) :-)

    I need a new laptop, saving my pennies for one. :-)
